chem 超急問 天日會考 謝謝

2008-04-28 6:26 pm
which of ffollowing is a bleaching agent?
1. sodium sulphite solution
2. sodium sulphite solution acidified with dilute sulphuric acid
explain why thx!
Can molten graphite conduct electricity?

PURE NAOCL + H2SO4------->CL?

回答 (1)

2008-04-28 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
number 2 is a bleaching agent.
acidified sulphuric acid must be added to the solution
to perform the bleaching power.
the sulphur dioxide formed will reduce a compound .
so perform the bleaching action.
molten graphite can conduct electricity.
it is because it still contains mobile electrons.
2NaOCl + H2SO4 ------> Na2SO4 + 2 HOCl

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