關於chem ge問題...

2008-04-28 4:51 pm
1. The equation for the complete combustion of propane is
C3H8(g)+5O2(g) → 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)

50cm3 of propane are mixed with 500cm3 of oxygen. The mixture is ignited. What is the volume of the resultant gas mixture at room temperature and pressure?
(molar volume of any gas at room temperature and pressure=24.0dm3/mol)

A 150cm3 B 300cm3 C 400cm3 D 700cm3

Reagent 1 Na2CO3(aq)
2. Ethanol ───→ Substance X ───→ CO2(g) + Substance Y

Which of the following combinations is correct?

Reagent 1 Substance Y
A Acidified potassium dichromate solution Ethane
B Acidified potassium dichromate solution Sodium ethanoate
C Concentrated sulphuric acid Ethane
D Concentrated sulphuric acid Sodium ethanoate

呢題麻煩俾埋解釋,, 例如俾埋條formula等等, 順便請講埋substance X係咩黎ge,, thx~

回答 (1)

2008-04-28 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. the answer is C
150cm3 CO2 formed and 250cm3 oxygen remain.
so the final volume is 400cm3
2. the answer is B
ethanol is oxidized to ethanoic acid.
the acid react with sodium carbonate to form
sodium ethanoate and carbon dioxide.

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