will my pup be able to sleep with me?

2008-04-27 9:18 am
in my bed? it will be a springer spaniel about ten weeks?

回答 (17)

2008-04-27 10:12 am
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<<<<======He slept with me from 8 weeks of age till now.

Make sure you toilet last thing at night and if you can wake at 3 am to toilet until you are sure your pup can sleep thru the night.

When Rocco was a pup I used to wake to find him snuggled into my neck, I loved it. He never cried once when I first got him because he was never left alone during the night. It is fantastic for bonding.

When I was growing up us kids always had a dog sleeping on our bed, my dad was a huge softie, the dog would sleep on his bed also!

Your pup will love it, you wont smother it, you instictively know they are there when your asleep.

Enjoy your pup.
2008-04-27 9:23 pm
I share my bed with 3 Jack Russells and wouldn't have it any other way. People have such differing opinions on this subject. This is a decision that you'll have to make yourself. It works for me, but some others are dead set against it. Yes, it will be able to, and will probably prefer to be there!
2008-04-27 4:24 pm
establish his/her spot at the end of the bed
2008-04-27 5:47 pm
yeah, it can sleep with you,
but don't flatten him!
2008-04-27 4:39 pm
yaaa,he'll be happy
my dog used to sleep with me when he was about 6 months but he did not like me keeping hand on him,he used to sleep alone but on my bed!
2008-04-27 4:35 pm
I put my pup's bed in my bedroom, but not on the bed. Both my Dobermanns hop up on it now though for a hug in the morning.
2008-04-27 4:26 pm
if it is house trained then yeah just dont roll over on it lol
2008-04-27 4:22 pm
from day dot til end
2008-04-27 4:22 pm
Well when i got my pup i kept in its bed for the first few nights then i decided he didn't really like it so now he sleeps in my bed!!! ♥♥
2008-04-27 5:00 pm
of course it okay to let your pup sleep wid you if u dont mind sleeping with it even when its grown up.
springer spaniels tend to grow quite a large coat of hair and lose em periodically.so it possible for allergic persons to get diseases.It is not advisable to let your pup sleep wid u. besides you can keep it happy by letting it do swimming.it loves it as much as running .So there are a lot of other ways to keep your dog happy.
參考: my brain and my dog book!
2008-04-27 4:46 pm
sleeping with your pup can be good or bad. If you dont mind the pup sleeping with you when its an adult than it will be fine.If its really small and your woried about squishing it ,wrap the pup in a blanket so the pup feels bigger to you while you sleep.if you sleep with your pup it also helps house break him,cause when the pup wakes at night you can take him for out (bathroom break).Sleeping with him also comforts him from the sadness of missing mommy.The down side is the pup will become verry attached quickly and cry any time left alone.This can go on for a couple weeks and then agian this can happen weather you choose to sleep with him or not.The choice is really all yours.I chose to sleep with my Jack Russel Terrior and he was only 4 weeks old,he turned out just fine.
參考: farm raised in Montana
2008-04-27 4:38 pm
Puppies love sleeping in bed, and I think spend time there is great, but not when you are sleeping. Small puppies can get suffocated, injured by rolling over on it, fall or jump off the bed and be injured, and have accidents. Many people use steps when the dog is a bit older, and train the dog to use the steps to prevent injury.

Best of Luck, and take good care of your new Best Friend.
參考: Animal Lover & Dad's a Vet.
2008-04-27 5:20 pm
yes but it is a bad habbit to start ..I started that with my two pitbulls when they were babies and now I cant keep them out of my bed
2008-04-27 4:38 pm
my friend sent me something in the newspaper about how you can catch diseases or something from it if it sleeps in your bed ... your best keeping your bed to you i think.... but i could be wrong... sorry
參考: newspaper
2008-04-27 4:37 pm
That's not a good idea, particulary until it's house trained.Besides, it's not very hygienic! You could have her/his basket at the side of your bed so she's close. Best to decide now and then stick to that decision. (which should be no!). Most dogs are shut in the kitchen at bedtime anyway. Dogs are happiest when they know their place in the household ranking system. The dog will be at the bottom of the pile, but if you treat it like an equal there will be behaviour problems later. Get it used to having its own bed and maybe let it come on your bed for a cuddle on Sunday mornings or something.
2008-04-27 4:28 pm
ya please pet u r pup be affectionate to it then it is going to listen to you but dont beat it then its attachment is lost bye
參考: i am a student
2008-04-27 4:22 pm
I don't think it should,at least until its quite a bit older like maybe a year at least.

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