
2008-04-28 6:50 am

To Rhythm, 你估中一半,係玩緊 貓和老鼠唧遊戲.

回答 (3)

2008-05-03 3:55 am
I have sent you several emails but all of them were failed. Perhaps you have
blocked my message. Anyway, I hope you will be happy forever.
2008-04-29 12:00 am
Having sent several emails to you but all without response, I assume that you are no longer interested in receiving my messages. Anyhow, I still wish you a wonderful life, cheers !
2008-04-28 10:54 pm
Had sent a number of emails to you but all in vain, perhaps you no longer wanted to receive any message from me. However, I still wishing you a wonderful & tremendously happy life.
參考: Self

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