
2008-04-28 5:15 am
我的notebook型號是IBM R51e...原機只跟256 DDR2 533 ram...請問可否再加1條Kingston KVR 533D2S4/1G ram...其實係唔係一定要裝KTM開頭的RAM...因為睇過D網話KTM先可兼容IBM 電腦...KVR得唔得GA?

回答 (2)

2008-04-28 10:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
手提電腦對 ram 要求一向較嚴格,可是說成兼容度及不上桌面電腦的,因此也只有特定的 ram 才可被支援,或使用時穩定等
Kington 一向也有為各品牌的電腦度身生產 ram 的,那當然就會配合各品牌的特性等,即是一定能支援,不會有任何問題的
KVR 是 Kington 自己品牌的型號,雖然兼容度很高,但仍會因硬件本身的特性要出現不支援或運作時會出現問題
KTM 則是為 IBM度身訂度的, KT 是指 Kington, M 則是指 IBM,所以由型號上就已得知是由 Kington 為 IBM度身而做的 ram,那當然就一定被 IBM 的電腦 (不論是手提/桌面/SERVER 等都是以 KTM 為字首)
換句話 KTM 就一定被 IBM 的電腦所支援,使用時也不會出現問題,但 KVR 卻是大多數情形下也支援,但不一定保證能支援某牌子,這點你要自行考慮
若買了 KVR 卻不能使用於 IBM 的話,你找IBM 也許不會有技術支援,甚至因而燒毀手提電腦或 RAM 本身,IBM 也可以不接受保養的,如去找 Kington 的話,也會得到相同的答案,並不會保證能用於某牌子的電腦之上
KTM = IBM parts
KTC = Compaq parts
KTH = HP parts
2008-04-28 7:37 pm
if you add 1G ram, you probably can't use that original 256 ram anymore

normally a notebook provides two ram slots

that is, 256 + 256, 512 + 512, 1G + 1G and so on ...

probably you can't have combinations of different ram sizes, i.e. 256 + 1G

also, you have to refer to the manual of the motherboard for the maximum ram the board supports
for example, if the board supports max. only 1G ram, you can't have the combination of 1G + 1G

brand name of the ram is not that relevant
only the config should be identical, that is for your case, DDR2 533 ??? pins SODIMM

you better take out that original 256 ram and give it to the shopkeeper and ask him for a 1G ram chip of exactly the same config

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