{緊急}香港學生去美國讀書問題 唔該各位!

2008-04-28 5:13 am


(2)我想問下係米要申請student visa,同埋係米要間學校批左先可以申請到!

(3)咁如果我要申請student visa又冇親人,好似要有個監護人係美國住既...我聽講網上面有好多...我想請問幾錢到...同埋佢會有d咩service(接送.早午晚3餐等)呢?又安唔安全呢?


回答 (3)

2008-04-30 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
I live in US, maybe I can help you.
(1)我想問下如果我冇綠卡個d,可否讀美國官校呢? Yes.
同埋又係米唔洗校學費? You have to pay the tuition.
又會唔會有其他費用呢? I believe public school will not charge you any other expenses, normally, they also include school buses to and from school, other expenses are on your own.

(2)我想問下係米要申請student visa,同埋係米要間學校批左先可以申請到! You should admit by a school, then apply the student visa.

(3)咁如果我要申請student visa又冇親人,好似要有個監護人係美國住既...我聽講網上面有好多...我想請問幾錢到...同埋佢會有d咩service(接送.早午晚3餐等)呢?又安唔安全呢? You need a host family or go to boarding school, I heard that they are save. In most of the cities in US, the public transportation are really bad, you have to depends on someone to drive you around.

(4)而家申請又趕唔趕得到申請呢? I think it's a little bit late, but if you can find a school soon, maybe you can make it.
2008-05-06 7:32 pm
why the information is different from I understood..
I live in New York.. but I don't think the information about are 100% correct.


if you do not have residency, no green card or citizenship, for my understanding, you will not able to get to the IS or government high school.. you can apply for the private school, which will give you a I-20 as a student visa, public school will not offer I-20 for overseas student unless in a very special situation. You are not eligible to study in publc school with your travel visa.

(2)我想問下係米要申請student visa,同埋係米要間學校批左先可以申請到!

You sure need to apply for the private school (high school) to get your I-20, and you provide your I-20 to US embassy in HK, and see if they give you the student visa. (if you have I-20, no one can promise you can get a student visa) so you have to bear in mind.

(3)咁如果我要申請student visa又冇親人,好似要有個監護人係美國住既...我聽講網上面有好多...我想請問幾錢到...同埋佢會有d咩service(接送.早午晚3餐等)呢?又安唔安全呢?

Host family.. they do have that service, you can go and ask the private school with you apply.. but I would rather suggest you to apply for the broading school, so you can save the time for commute.

a bit too late for this year.. but good for you to prepare and find a broading school for next year.
參考: kid at school in new york, live in new york
2008-04-28 4:47 pm
同埋報十一或十二班啦,, 唔係你仲有三年先升college,, 有排,,

1,, 首先,, 就算你有green card你都要俾學費,,
如果你報交流既話佢會幫你揀學校,, 費用包學費,, insurance,, 住宿,,
如果係college就要俾學費,, 但係比citizens或有green card既人貴好多,,
仲有飲食,, 住宿,, insurance,, 交通,,

2,, 係要student visa,, 要睇你去交流定係自己報學校,,
但係兩樣野都可以搵香港d agent幫你搞,,
唔洗禁麻煩,, agent又有經驗嘛,,

3,, 如果你去交流agent會幫你搵家庭住,,
但係人地係俾你寄宿,, 唔係工人,, 冇乜service提供俾你,,
佢有責任睇實你,, 佢自己都要好小心,,

4,, 我建議你諗下好唔好自己報,, 定係報交流一年,,

參考: 自己

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