
2008-04-28 3:08 am
本人想於5月尾到新加坡玩幾日 , 機票想要7日來回有效的 , 請問依家訂係咪遲得濟 ? 我打過去d旅行社問 , 話要大約$2100-$2300到 .. 但係就包埋稅 ... 會唔會真係貴左啊 ? 係新加坡航空來的
我想問網上果d promotion通常都係up to .. $ 1 xxx .. 但就未包稅嫁 , 對嗎? 仲有 , d稅要收幾多嫁 ?

有無d旅行社係會平d嫁 ? 可唔可以俾個電話號碼查詢一下 ? 急急急 .... thx~~

回答 (3)

2008-04-28 7:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Singapore Airlines is having discounted fares now: flying from HK to Singapore on 25 May (Sun) and back to HK on 29 May (Thu) will cost you HK$1792 only (includes surcharges) if you book directly from their website. Do it fast before tickets run out...
If you really decide to fly SQ try to request for their B777 flights instead of their B747 flights. You'll get a more amazing in-flight experience (haha their B747s are good enough, but their B777s are better...).
Yes if you buy from agents packages are usually cheaper, and sometimes those might even include free shuttle transport from the airport to the hotel.
The cheapest direct airline, Jetstar Asia, is fully booked for end of May. But there are still very cheap ways to get to Singapore if you don't mind a little more trouble. Fly Tiger Airways from Macau or Shenzhen - you can get round-trip air tickets for less than HK$1000.
Tiger Airways is a Singapore-based budget airline that serves the Asia Pacific region.
There are budget hotels in Singapore that are actually good and are cheap. One example would be this hotel chain called 'Hotel 81' - they have hotels in almost all locations downtown and their rates can be as low as <HK$400 for a standard room per night.
More choices possible here:
2008-04-28 5:02 am
香港去新加坡的機票 $2100 - $2300, 其實不是太貴. 因為稅項及燃料附加費都差不多要 $500 (國泰資料, 但相距不遠). 即機票價格只是 $1600 - $1800.
香港飛去新加坡需要 3.5 - 4 小時... 圍起上來每程只需 800... 不便宜嗎 ??? 連新加坡航空網頁上最抵價都是 $2192. 別人又怎會再比它便宜 ???
如果你去旅行, 為何不買 package ? 酒店連機票的套票往往比單買機票便宜的...
機票價格各大旅行社唔會相差太遠... 特別係短程機票... 當全世界都報緊 $2300 比你, 如果有人同你講 $1800 全包... 你都要諗諗會唔會咁筍啦...
2008-04-28 3:11 am

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