
2008-04-28 1:18 am
我12歲,一個人在new york讀晝
父母本來持有L1(dady)及B2(Mom),但因為他門要返回hk,因此要再次簽証,但是非常不幸,不批.我不知道他門想簽什麼証,但他門就不能回來usa 了.請問他門有什麽方法可以在短時間裡簽好証,或是那一種簽証最好同埋容易批.他門分別去簽証或是一起去簽証會比較容易批..如果再次不批的話,會否列進黑名單..我門在hk和usa也各有一間shop,這對一些商務簽証有幫助嗎?旅遊visa 或是商務簽証比較容易批一點?
我很想幫一 幫他門~

回答 (1)

2008-04-29 2:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
so sorry to heard your situation.
do you have any other relatives live near you?
you said your patent have a shop in USA, how can they manager it without persent?

you can tell them try the short term businese visa to come back to new york and bring the documents to show they own business in US. tell them make sure to let the embassy officer know they will not stay in USA because they also own business in HK.
if they reject them, then ask for either 1 person visa, another one will stay in HK. this might let the officer believe they will come back to HK.

try to avoid mention about you are stay in USA alone. that is violation in US law that parent left a 12 years old child behind.
參考: e mail me if you need more help, i live in NYC.

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