昆蟲的成長過程 20分!!!!!! (要英文) ! 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-04-27 10:08 pm
我要昆蟲的成長過程 ,要英文!

要有First....Next.....Then.....After that.....Finally

例:生卵 , bb走出..........................................................................


回答 (2)

2008-04-27 11:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First,the female forg lays lots of small eggs in a pond.the eggs lie near the surface of the water and the sun warms them.

Next,tadpoles swim out of the eggs.Tadpole are baby frogs but they cannot breathe air.They have not got lungs yet.They have not got lungs yet.They have gills and can breathe under water like fish.

Then,the tadpole grow lungs.Now they can breathe like people.They swim to the top of the water to breathe.They like eating plants and insects.

After that,the tadpole start to grow legs.

Finally,the little frog lose their tails.Now they look like small frog and they can jump out of the water

2008-04-27 15:42:54 補充:
The life cycle of a frog
參考: me
2008-04-27 10:20 pm
Life cycle
Most insects, such as beetles, wasps, and flies, go through complete metamorphosis. They begin life as an egg that hatches to a larva. The larva eats, grows, and sheds, then turns into a pupa in which chemical changes take place. The final stage is changing into the adult insect, which is able to reproduce. In more primitive insects, such as grasshoppers and stick insects, another type of development is used. This process is called incomplete metamorphosis where the insect hatches from the egg as a miniature version of the adult. The insect continues to grow, and every time it molts it gets larger until it reaches adulthood


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