Deferred exam letter

2008-04-27 9:52 am
理由係公司多野做, 唔放人

sorry 漏咗..... 係要由公司出的 我老細叫我打完比佢簽...

回答 (3)

2008-04-27 11:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
To Whom It May Concern:

XXX (your name) is a current employee at our company AAA. I am his direct manager. He has an XXX exam currently scheduled on XXX (a date). I am writing to request for a delay (or “reschedule”) of the exam.

Due to the fact that our department is understaffed and that YYY (your name) is a key member of the team, I have to decline his request for taking a day off on XXX (the currently scheduled date). He must finish a project by ZZZ (a project due date), and I totally rely on his attendance to ensure successful delivery of the project.

I understand the importance of this exam as he has explained it to me. If the exam can be rescheduled to XXX (a date), it will be much appreciated. On behalf of the company, I apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause.

Should you have further questions please feel free to call me at xxxx-xxxx.

Best Regards,

(leave space for his signature)

XXX (your manager’s name)
2008-04-30 9:26 pm
2008-04-27 10:08 am
Dear Sir,

Re : Letter of request for deferring examination

I would like to seek for your approval for my request on deferring my examination (put proper examination name and course) until (a date).

Reason for my request is because the Company I am working in is now in its busiest season and my employer does not grant me the day off I applied. He gave me no choice because I am the only one who knows the working procedures of my position, therefore no one can be transferred to replace me for a short period. Since this job is very important to me financially, I am asking your kindness to consider deferring my examination to a later date. My estimation is that I will surely be free for the examination on (a date).

If you deem necessary I will be happy to explain my difficulty to you in person.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours Sincerely,

Student number
參考: Myself

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