math help....rounding to 3 decimal places?

2008-04-26 6:44 pm
how do i round .9464 to three decimal places?

回答 (14)

2008-04-26 6:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To settle the question, if the digit in fourth decimal place is 5 or greater round up, if it is 4 or less round down.

2008-04-26 6:53 pm

you keep the orgional 3 places to the decimal point (or if it is rounding by 2 you keep the two places ect...).

but u have 4 places and you want three, right?

take a look at the 6.


the number 4 is after it.

is 4 greater or less than 5?

it's less, so whenever a number is less than 5, you round down. because the 4 is less than 5, the 6 stays the same.


that 4 becomes a 0 and you can simply drop it off the decimal.

but if the decimal was like this:


it would round to .947 because the 7 is greater than 5, so the 6 turns into a 7 and the orgional 7 turns into a 0,


and is dropped off the problem.

happy to help!
2008-04-26 6:48 pm
well .9464 round to three decimal places .946(4) . 4 is not higher than 5 so it is .946
2008-04-26 6:52 pm
well, this is how i always remembered it, 5 or above give it a shove, (meaning if the last place (in your case 4)is greater than five round the one before up.)four of less, let it rest (meaning if yours is 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 than just take it off.) so yours, since it is .9464 and the last number is 4 (four or less let it rest) than just take it off, so it would be .946! hope i helped!
2008-04-26 6:49 pm
It is .946 because you have to look at the 4th decimal place. If that digit it 5-9 then you add one to the third decimal place. it it is a 0-4 you leave the third decimal place the same. So, in this case you leave the 6 there and take off the last 4.
2008-04-26 6:49 pm
it's .946, because the 4th number is 4 that's less then 5 so you round it down, if it was 5 or more you round it up to .947
2008-04-26 6:46 pm
The first thing you have to do with thiss one is look at the last digit. If that digit is less than 5 than you round the previous number down. If the digit is 5 or more then you round the previous number up. In this case, the last number (4), is less then 5. So you round the number down to.946.

.946 is your answer
2015-08-19 4:31 am
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math help....rounding to 3 decimal places?
how do i round .9464 to three decimal places?
參考: math rounding 3 decimal places:
2008-04-26 6:55 pm
You can round up or round down. To round up, if the digit to be rounded off is 5 or greater, the preceding digit is increased by 1. If not, it stays the same.

Rounding down is the same as truncating. Regardless of the value of the digit to be rounded off, it and any digits following it are simply discarded.

Normally, when we say "round to n places" we mean rounding up.

In the case of 0.9464, there is no difference because it becomes 0.946 by either method.
2008-04-26 6:49 pm
You want to have only 3 digits (numbers) after the decimal, so the question is, whether to round up or down on the 4th digit.

The rule is, look at the last number, is it higher than 4. If it's 5 or higher, you would round the 3rd number up one number. If it's 4 or less, you would keep it the same.

So, using that rule, what would happen to the 6 in that number?

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