2008-04-27 5:52 am
1. 2.0M NaOH is used to neutralize 50.0CM3 of 1.5M H3PO4 completely

(i)calculate the molarity of the salt solution formed

2. an excess of dilute HCl is added to 4.0CM3 of .50M Pb(NO3)2.A white precipitate appears

(i)calculate the mass of the white precipitate formed

(ii)calculate the number of formula units of the white precipitate formed

回答 (3)

2008-04-27 6:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
3NaOH + H3PO4 → Na3PO4 + 3H2O

Mole ratio NaOH : H3PO4 = 3 : 1
No. of moles of H3PO4 used = MV = 1.5 x (50/1000) = 0.075 mol
No. of moles of NaOH used = 0.075 x 3 = 0.225 mol
Vol. of NaOH = mol/M = 0.225/2 = 0.1125 dm3

Mole ratio H3PO4 : Na3PO4 = 1 : 1
No. of moles of H3PO4 used = 0.075 mol
No. of moles of Na3PO4 formed = 0.075 mol
Final volume of the solution = (50/1000) + 0.1125 = 0.1625 dm3
Molarity of H3PO4 = mol/V = 0.075/0.1625 = 0.4615 M

2HCl + Pb(NO3)2 → PbCl2↓ + 2HNO3
Mole ratio Pb(NO3)2 : PbCl2 = 1 : 1
No. of moles of Pb(NO3)2 used = MV = 0.5 x (4/1000) = 0.002 mol
No. of moles of PbCl2 formed = 0.002 mol

Molar mass of PbCl2 = 207.2 + 35.5x2 = 278.2 g mol-1
Mass of PbCl2 formed = mol x (molar mass) = 0.002 x 278.2 = 0.5564 g

1 mole of PbCl2 contains 6.02 x 1023 formula units.
No. of moles of PbCl2 formed = 0.002 mol
No. of fomula units of PbCl2 formed = 0.002 x (6.02 x 1023) = 1.204 x 1021

2008-04-26 22:51:34 補充:
The reaction is neutralization. It is impossible to form H2 in acid-alkali neutralization.

The white precipitate formed is PbCl2, but NOT Pb(NO3)2.
2008-04-30 8:12 am
2008-04-27 7:06 am
此作答模式與Uncle Michael的十分相似...

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