homework ENG jelly 食譜

2008-04-27 2:03 am
ENG jelly 食譜
easy to do 10fun!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-04-27 9:02 pm
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材料: (四人分量)

草苺(切半) 12粒

大菜絲 8克

白糖 2湯匙

水 500毫升

製法: 1.大菜絲放入凍水中浸半小時,瀝乾水後加水煮溶。


備註: 草莓果凍,用料及做法簡單,味道清香甜蜜,吃多點也不怕肥。


Sweet strawberry jelly

Ingredients: (four components)

Strawberry (half-cut) 12

8 grams large Caisi

2 tablespoons sugar

500 ml of water

System of law: 1. Caisi Add to freeze the water Baptist half-hour, brown water and boiled solution.

2.拌匀after Daileng adding sugar, respectively, into four small cup, after the frozen strawberries to Add to solidification top.

菜名: 彩虹果凍 Rainbow Jello
分類: 其他食譜/冰品

難度: 未知
  吉利丁粉 7 包, 每包約 7.5g(7 packages Knox gelatin
不同口味的果凍粉 5 小包(5 small boxes jello 3oz, 我買的是 85g 一包的
鷹牌煉乳一罐,約 300ml(1 can eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

容器:我用14" x 10" 左右的玻璃容器,差一點點沒關係,但是不要比這個大,否則無法填滿一層,就沒有層次的效果了。


* 這道點心十歲以上的小朋友可以在媽媽的監督下自己操作
* 如果沒有煉乳,可以用鮮奶取代,反正牛奶層的總量為 1 又 1/2 杯左右,再加一點的白糖增加甜度(因為果凍層一般會稍微酸一點點)

  1.用紙巾沾極少極少的美乃滋將 9x13 的方盤內層塗上薄薄的一層防沾膜。美乃滋不可多用。

2.第一層:將一包的吉利丁粉和一包果凍粉混合後,加入 1 又 1/4 杯的熱水攪拌至粉末融解,放至微涼,倒入方盤中,放入冰箱中冷藏至果凍凝固。

3.第二層:將 2 包的吉利丁粉和 1 又 1/4 杯的熱水攪拌至粉末融解,倒入 1 罐的煉乳拌勻,將拌勻後的煉乳液分成四等份(可以另用四個容器分裝,或用目測大約等分一下),將其中的一份倒入方盤中,成為第二層白色果凍層,放至冰箱中冷藏至果凍凝固。


5.第四層:將另一份的煉乳液倒入方盤,如果煉乳已凝固,先入微波爐(如果容器可微波爐使用)中火加熱 30 秒融化至微溫後再倒入,放入冰箱中冷藏至果凍凝固。



Note: strawberry jelly, using simple materials and practices, the sweet taste Qingxiang, not be afraid to eat more fat.

Calories: 40 / in

2008-04-27 13:03:47 補充:
Caiming: rainbow jelly Rainbow Jello
Category: Recipes / ice Goods

Level: Unknown
Gelatine 7 kits, each packet of about 7.5 g (7 packages Knox gelatin
Different tastes of five packets of jelly powder (5 small boxes jello 3oz, I bought a pack of 85 g is the

2008-04-27 13:04:34 補充:
Yingpai a can of condensed milk, about 300 ml (1 can eagle brand sweetened condensed milk

Containers: I use 14 "x 10" around the glass containers, narrowly missed okay, but not over this, one can not be filled, there is no level of performance.

2008-04-27 13:04:42 補充:
Time: about 2-3 hours, depending on the size of the containers, smaller containers, jelly slice thickness, the longer the time required, if made before the end of a layer of jelly immediately after the next layer of jelly will do a good job of waiting for the cold-time Can also be shortened to 1:30

2008-04-27 13:05:00 補充:
* This dim sum, more than the 20-year-old children in their mother under the supervision of operation

2008-04-27 13:05:10 補充:
* If there is no condensed milk, fresh milk can be replaced, since the total amount of milk for 1 1 / 2 cup around, plus a little more sweetness of sugar (usually because of the jelly slightly acid a little bit)

2008-04-27 13:05:20 補充:
1. James with a tissue of the United States rarely little mayonnaise to 9 x13 side-lining of applying a layer of thin-film James. The United States can not use mayonnaise.

2008-04-27 13:05:28 補充:
2. Tier 1: a packet of gelatine and a packet of jelly powder mixture, adding 1 1 / 4 cup of hot water stirring to melt powder, to release Wei Liang, into the session, in the refrigerator Frozen jelly to solidification.

2008-04-27 13:06:04 補充:
3. Tier II: 2 packets of gelatine and 1 1 / 4 cup of hot water stirring to melt powder, condensed milk into a tank of拌匀, the chain will拌匀emulsion divided into four Dengfen (can Another with four

2008-04-27 13:06:08 補充:
containers loaded at, or by visual observation about the sub), which will be dumped into a side session as the second layer of white jelly, to release frozen in the refrigerator to jelly solidified.

2008-04-27 13:06:23 補充:
4. Layer 3: duplicate the first tier of steps for different tastes of the jelly.

5. The fourth layer: the other side of the disc into the emulsion Lian, if the condensed milk has been

2008-04-27 13:06:26 補充:
solidified, the first-in microwave oven (if the containers can use the microwave) fire in the heating and 30 seconds to melt into Weiwen then placed in the refrigerator Frozen jelly to solidification.

2008-04-27 13:06:39 補充:
6. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9-storey: duplicate the third, fourth floor.

7. The last one done, and so on at least one hour to complete solidification of jelly with a knife to cut into the box or

2008-04-27 13:06:43 補充:
embossed, if not completely solidified, cut jelly lines when the United States will not easily adhesion in the knife, but also with And holding easily from broken.
2008-04-27 2:39 pm
Strawberry Cooler

Cherries (canned) 16oz
Orange Jelly 1/2 packet
Boiling Water 1/4 pt
Fresh Strawberries 1 pound
lemon juice 1 tsp
Thick Fresh Cream 1/4 pt

1) Dissolve orange jelly in 1/4 pt boiling water
2) Measure juice from cherries, add cold water if necessary to make 1/4 pt,and add to jelly with lemon juice.Leave to cool until syrupy.
3) Add sliced strawberries and stoned cherries.
4) Divide fruit and jelly betweed 6 glasses. Leave to set and decorate with whipped, sweetened fresh cream

Strawberry Yogurt Shimmy

Strawberry Jelly 1 packet
Boiling Water 3/4 cup
Ice Water 3/4 cup
Strawberry fruit blenned yogurt 1 carton(8 oz)
Dairy sour cream for topping

1) Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.Add ice water and chill to consistency of unbeaten egg white.
2) Whip thickened gelatin until fluffy
3) Fold in yogurt until blended.
4) Refrigerate until set.
5) Spoon into dessert dishes, top with sour cream
Makes 4 to 6 servings

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