
2008-04-27 1:39 am
1.Life is short so we should use our time to do meaningful things.

2.When we decide to do something, we should really put our heart and soul into it.

3.Students should concentrate on their school work, do not just want to play.

4.In order to have good living standard for us, our parents always work hard at anytime.

5.Good academic results will help students to repay parental love.

6.Actually, we should not put too much pressure to ourselves.

7.I think it is enough, if we have tried our best to do.

回答 (2)

2008-04-27 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
I hope you will like the below expression:

1. Lift is short, so we should spend our time wisely on meaningful things.

2. When we decide to do something, we should put our heart and soul into it.
Note: “put one’s heart and soul into…” means “to do something with a lot of energy and interest”.

3. Students should concentrate on their school work and should not waste time on playing.

4. We should keep in mind that, in order to provide good living standards to us, our parents work very hard to make money.

5. One of the best ways to appreciate our parents’ love and effort is to maintain a good academic record.

6. However, we do not have to put too much pressure on ourselves to get a good grade.

7. As long as we have tried our best, that is good enough.
2008-04-27 1:42 am
1.Life is short so we should use our time to do meaningful things.

2.When we decide to do something, we should really put our heart and soul in it.

3.Students should concentrate on their school work,so do not just want to play.

4.In order to have good living standard for us, our parents always work hard at anytime.

5.Good academic results will help students to repay parental love.

6.Actually, we should not put too much pressure to ourselves.

7.I think it is enough, if we have tried our best to do.

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