Turner Syndrome

2008-04-27 12:02 am
咩係Turner Syndrome??
仲有cause of the disease?

20分 :)

回答 (2)

2008-04-27 5:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
端納綜合症(Turner Syndrome), 患者全為女生。
端納綜合症是由於細胞缺少了一條X染色體所致, 病徵只發生在女嬰身上。 不會出現第二性徵,不能生育,且比平常孩子矮很 多,是智力正常。患者除最終高度較正常人矮, 一般只有四呎多外, 並會出現左右辨別能力模糊、 頸粗、 手腳腫脹等症狀, 甚至會因為主動脈收窄而增加患上心臟病風險。

患者需要接受激素治療, 每天注射兩次生長荷爾蒙以刺激骨骼生長。 患者一般在八至十歲將發育時開始接受治療, 療程長達數年, 但就可將患者的最終高度提升數吋。
2008-04-27 3:02 am
1.英文名稱: turner syndrome
中文名稱: 透納氏症
名詞解釋: 是一種染色體異常的遺傳性疾病,卵巢功能以數倍於常人的速度衰退,這種變化自胎兒時期一直延續到出生後;很多病患尚未到青春期,卵巢功能就已經衰竭。

2.對不起,我讀左醫咁耐,都未聽過cause of the disease這個名稱,不過有一個相似的病名。
英文名稱:Alzheimer Disease
中文名稱:老年痴呆 阿尔海默症
Alzheimer's disease and Alzheimer's dementia: distinct but overlapping entities

Much of the controversy about the "amyloid cascade hypothesis" may reflect unrecognized differences in the use of language, including the use of the word "cause." This commentary proposes that the term Alzheimer disease refer to the neuropathological entity and the term Alzheimer dementia to clinical dementia in people who also have Alzheimer neuropathology. The ultimate causes of Alzheimer disease are proposed to be aging, environmental stresses, and genetic predispositions. The fundamental cause of Alzheimer dementia is proposed to be Alzheimer disease, i.e. the neurobiological abnormalities in Alzheimer brain. The neurobiology of Alzheimer disease includes changes that may initially be adaptive but can become excessive and thereby harmful; they include increased expression of APP with accumulation of potentially damaging peptides such as Abeta, inflammation, and increased ROS activity. The neurobiological abnormality that is the proximate cause of Alzheimer dementia appears to be decreases in cerebral metabolic rate. Decreased metabolism occurs not only in this but in essentially all dementias, and impairing brain metabolism induces neuropsychological deficits characteristic of dementias. The immediate cause of Alzheimer dementia is proposed to be deficiencies in signaling, both intracellular and intercellular (neurotransmission), that follow directly from the decrease in cerebrometabolic rate.

雷爾氏綜合症(Reye's syndrome)﹑雷爾氏-約翰遜綜合症﹑
General mental symptoms, e.g. confusion...etc
參考: 我係就讀醫學系的,信我吧~~~

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