polyu speed BA of Arts in Travel Industry Management

2008-04-26 11:47 pm
Poly u speed 說Part-time 與Full-time所修讀的課程是一樣的,只是年期較長,是真的嗎?
Poly u speed 的學生,可以入其他8大院校的圖書館嗎?
我已是OpenUniversity 的BA in Translation 畢業生,是否某一些科目可以Excempt?
Poly u speed 是否算是Poly畢業生?認受性可以嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-04-27 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
PolyU teacher is very good

Poly u speed 說Part-time 與Full-time所修讀的課程是一樣的,只是年期較長,是真的嗎?

Poly u speed 的學生,可以入其他8大院校的圖書館嗎?

我已是OpenUniversity 的BA in Translation 畢業生,是否某一些科目可以Excempt?
Yes, but max only get 49% credit transfer

Poly u speed 是否算是Poly畢業生?認受性可以嗎?
Yes, same as full time student. This BA is award by PolyU directly.

(if you study this BA course, your classmate has full time student, and part time student. If the course hold at day time, most of them are full time student. If the course hold at night, most of them are part time student)

P.S. : I had study one subject of this BA course before and graducate at 2005.
參考: my experience, PolyU SPEED graducation student
2008-04-27 6:23 am
1. poly u speed的師資唔錯嫁
2. 冇話d野會唔同,其實你讀夠credit就可以畢業
3. 唔可以,但係可以入自己間u既圖書館,同埋借8大院校的書(經poly)
4. 應該做唔到credit transfer,呢d要同poly申請
5. 可以話係,但係唔算係本部生,其實認受性都可以,不過最慘冇hon,讀

hope can help u
參考: me

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