
2008-04-26 11:01 pm
1. What animals start with letter‘P’?

2. What are the body parts of an insect?

3. Can all birds fly?

4. What is the smallest bird in the world?

5. What am I? I am the biggest in the sea. I have never

seen a tree. I can breathe through a hole in the top

of my head.
Can you give me answer?

回答 (3)

2008-04-26 11:27 pm

1. Pig, Pigeon, Platypus, Porpoise, Pronghorn.
2. head, thorax, abdomen, antennae, wings, legs, mouthparts
3. No. Penguins, Ostrichs, Emus, Kiwi are birds but they cannot fly.

4. Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)
5. Blue Whale
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici
2008-04-26 11:12 pm
4.Bee Hummingbird
參考: ME
2008-04-26 11:12 pm
2.昆蟲身體分為頭部(head part),胸部(chest part)及腹部(abdomen part)三個部份
4.古巴的吸蜜蜂鳥 ( B e e H u m m i n g b i r d , M u l l i s u g a h e l e n a e ) , 以花蜜為主食 , 是世界上最小的鳥類 。 ... 蜂鳥保持的記錄包括 : 現今全世界最小 、 最輕 、 翅膀拍得最快 、 蛋最小的鳥 。
5.blue whale

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