Econ 問題... Plz help me

2008-04-26 11:00 pm
① Which of the following government policies would lead to a less even income distribution of Hong Kong citizens?
A. raising the standard tax rate of the salaries tax
B. reducing the personal allowance of the salaries tax
C. raising the profits tax rate
D. lowering the excise tax rate of tobacco and wine

② According to the principle of comparative advantage, when the two countries trade with each other, Country A will export________ and import _________, and a mutually beneficial terms of trade can be 1 unit of toys equals __________.
A. toys…watches…0.4 units of watches
B. toys…watches…2.5 units of watches
C. watches…toys…0.4 units of watches
D. watches…toys…2.5 units of watches

請詳細解釋每個Option 係岩定錯 and點解岩/錯

回答 (2)

2008-04-27 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
B. reducing the personal allowance of the salaries tax
-leads to a rise in tax payment of low-income tax payers
(not widen the tax base)

-no change in tax payment of high-income tax payers
whose tax payment = standard tax rate*gross income
This leads to a less even income distribution of Hong Kong citizens

A. raising the standard tax rate of the salaries tax
-increases tax payment of high-income tax payers
whose tax payment = standard tax rate*gross income

C. raising the profits tax rate
-increases tax payment of high-income tax payers
whose tax payment = profit tax rate*net profit before taxation

D. lowering the excise tax rate of tobacco and wine
=lowering indirect tax rate of tobacco and wine
=lowering regressive tax rate of tobacco and wine,
leading to a more even income distribution of Hong Kong citizens

② 1 unit of toys 1 unit of watches
country A 1 man-hour 3 man-hours
country B 2 man-hour 4 man-hours

OC---1 toy--------1 watch
A---1/3watch------3(=3/1) toys
B---1/2watch------2(=4/2) toys

For A,according to law of comparative advantage,
it should produce and export toys

which A can producing 1 unit of it
with a lower opprotunity cost than that of B.

A then should improt watches

A mutually beneficial terms of trade should be
1 unit of toys「 between」 1/3watch and 1/2watch

0.4 watch is 「 between」 1/3watch and 1/2watch
it is beneficial for 2 countries

while 2.5 watches is more than 1/2watch which is OC of 1 toy for B
B will not import toys from A with such terms of trade.

So, the answer is A
A. toys…watches…0.4 units of watches
2008-04-26 11:27 pm
① Ans: B (The tax base will be widen and lead to less even income

A: raising the standard tax rate of the salaries tax(There will be no change to
the income distribution of Hong Kong since the tax base no change)

C: raising the profits tax rate(There will be no change to the income
distribution of Hong Kong since the tax base no change)

D: lowering the excise tax rate of tobacco and wine(The lower the indirect tax,
the more even income distribution)

參考: 自己

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