請翻譯....to english 急!

2008-04-26 7:51 pm

玩具業在香港已有超過半個世紀的歷史。自40 年代開始,玩具產品便以勞動密集的模式進行生產。

50 年代開始,大量的廉價勞動力、資金和技術由大陸南移到香港(內地移民來港)。結合剛從歐美引進的塑膠生產技術,促進了小型工業的發展。1952 年,韓戰的爆發窒礙了香港的轉口貿易,不少資金開始流向工業發展。玩具業就在這時期迅速發展,廠商大量生產塑膠玩具,成為香港玩具業最重要的一環,到現在為止塑膠玩具仍是製造業中最大的一個分支行業。60 年代初期,玩具產品走向多元化發展,除了生產簡單的塑膠玩具外,廠商開始生產以馬鐽和電池操作的玩具產品。

60年代後期至70 年代則是香港玩具業興盛期,廠商憑低人工、高效率,吸引不少海外玩具大王來港投資,如Matell、Louis Marx等。在價格上具有極大的競爭力,同時廠商亦開始致力於海外市場的推廣活動和建立優質生產的形象,積極參與各個重要的國際玩具展。此外,香港亦舉辦了不少有助工商發展的展銷會,如工展會和玩具展。憑著有效的市場推廣、低廉價格、品質優良、短時間內完成訂單、交貨期準、對客戶產品產權尊重和靈活變通的市場策略等,香港玩具業逐漸成了世界重要的玩具生產地區之一。


80 年代是香港工業發展重要的轉捩點,香港玩具業亦在這個時候有了進一步的拓展。80 年代早期,香港的玩具出口已超越了日本,成為全球最大的玩具出口地區,時至今日,香港負責的玩具產品佔全球市場的60%以上。這是由於中國進行經濟改革,其相對廉價的勞動力和土地成本向外釋放,令不少香港企業把生產線北移或外判給內地的廠商,玩具業也不例外。玩具廠商主要在珠江三角洲設廠生產,由於勞動力和土地成本只是當年香港十分之一的水平,故大部份廠商均擴2 大生產規模五至二十倍不等。據香港貿易發展局的資料,到目前為止,內地約有6000 家玩具生產商,大部份於沿海省市設廠生產。其中估計約有4000 家玩具廠於廣東省投產,且絕大部份是由港商投資開設。

進入90 年代,科技迅速發展和全球的消費市場蓬勃,較高檔次的電子玩具、多功能和互動性玩具均漸漸普遍及受到市場歡迎。香港玩具業進入第三次轉型,由低技術的勞動密集生產逐步邁向技術密集的生產,部份廠商開始加強產業縱向整合的發展,其中電子零件製造商、軟件開發商和遊戲程式編寫公司等角色更為重要。現時電子玩具是香港第三大玩具分支行業,相信未來十年這個排名會有較大的變化。

從以上非常粗略的回顧,我們察覺到香港玩具業的發展與內地和香港政經局勢、全球經濟環境和電子科技進步有著緊密的聯繫。目前,玩具製品的生產主要是按原件製造(OEM) 模式經營,銷售市場以歐美地區為主,因此外部宏觀經濟變化對香港玩具廠商影響頗大。我們相信在經濟全球化、數碼網絡技術掘起和中國「入世」等宏觀環境轉變下,香港玩具業將面對新一輪的衝擊,其中有挑戰也有商機。本調查研究希望對玩具業在經營上的風險和未來發展趨勢上作出有關的評估。1.2 玩具業對香港經濟的貢獻香港是一個開放式的小型經濟體,其經濟結構以中小型企業為動力核心(見表 1.1),推動整體經濟發展,與日本、南韓、台灣等周邊國家和地區的經濟結構有所不同。根據特區政府中小型企業委員會撰寫的《支援中小型企業的建議》中指出:「政府估計至二○○○年十二月為止,本港共有約29 萬家中小企業,佔全港企業總數98%。」在各行各業的中小企業裡,玩具業對香港經濟貢獻和發展有其明顯的重要性。

前景 : 塑膠玩具業壓力大 :---


回答 (1)

2008-04-26 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The historical development of the plastic toy industry

The toy industry in Hong Kong, more than half a century of history. Since the 1940s, toy products to be labor-intensive mode of production.

1950s, a large number of cheap labor, capital and technology from the South moved to the mainland of Hong Kong (mainland immigrants to Hong Kong). Europe and the United States with just the introduction of the plastic production technology, has promoted the development of small industries. 1952, the outbreak of the Korean War stifle Hong Kong's re-export trade, many capital flows to start industrial development. On the toy industry in this period of rapid development, manufacturers mass-produced plastic toys, a toy industry in Hong Kong the most important part of the plastic toys up to now is still the largest manufacturing industry in a branch of industry. In the early 1960s, toy products to diversified development, in addition to the simple production of plastic toys, manufacturers started to produce Ma Da and battery-operated toy products.

The late 1960s to the 1970s is the rise of Hong Kong toy industry, with manufacturers of artificial low and high efficiency, attracting many overseas toy king to invest in Hong Kong, such as Matell, Louis Marx, and so on. In the price of great competitiveness, manufacturers have started to overseas market promotion activities and the establishment of high-quality production of the image, actively involved in various important international Wanju Zhan. In addition, Hong Kong has also organised a number of Trade and Industry will help the development of trade fairs, such as the Expo and Wan Juzhan. With effective marketing, low prices, quality, a short period of time to complete orders, delivery time-on products, respect for property rights and a flexible market strategies, the Hong Kong toy industry gradually became the world's major producing areas of toys 1.

2008-04-26 15:32:46 補充:
For example, in 1960 Hong Kong manufacturers in addition to the production of cheap plastic toys supply the local market, there are also exquisite workmanship, design more complex export toys, such as the display of a toy car, the animals will be on board with the traffic at the swing .

2008-04-26 15:33:30 補充:
1980's industrial development in Hong Kong is an important turning point, the Hong Kong toy industry is also at this time has further expansion. The early 1980s, Hong Kong's toy exports have gone beyond the Japan as the world's largest toy exporter,

2008-04-26 15:34:07 補充:
now in charge of Hong Kong's toy products account for the global market of more than 60 percent. This is because China's economic reforms, its relatively cheap labour and land costs outside release,

2008-04-26 15:34:18 補充:
many Hong Kong companies to move northward or contracting out production lines to mainland manufacturers, the toy industry is no exception. Major toy manufacturers set up factories in the Pearl River Delta, because labor and land costs only one-tenth of the level of that of Hong Kong,

2008-04-26 15:34:31 補充:
the majority of the two major manufacturers are expanding production scale ranging from 5-2 times. According to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council's information, so far, the mainland about 6,000 toy manufacturers,

2008-04-26 15:34:38 補充:
most of the coastal provinces and cities set up production plants. Of which it is estimated that about 4,000 toy factory in Guangdong Province, put into operation, and the vast majority of investment by Hong Kong businessmen set up.

2008-04-26 15:35:09 補充:
In the 1990s, the rapid development of technology and global consumer market booming, high quality electronic toys, multi-functional and interactive toys were gradually and universally welcomed by the market.

2008-04-26 15:35:21 補充:
Hong Kong toy industry enters its third transition from low-skilled labour-intensive production to gradually move towards technology-intensive production, some manufacturers began to strengthen the development of industry vertical integration,

2008-04-26 15:35:28 補充:
electronic components manufacturers, software developers and game programming companies, such as role Even more important. Electronic toys are now the third largest toy Hong Kong branch of industry, I believe the next 10 years this position will be more changes.

2008-04-26 15:36:06 補充:
From the above very rough recall, we note that the Hong Kong toy industry and the development of the Mainland and Hong Kong political and economic situation, global economic environment and the electronic scientific and technological progress is closely linked.

2008-04-26 15:37:41 補充:
At present, the production of toys manufactured mainly by the original manufacturer (OEM) business model, sales in the market mainly to Europe and the United States, changes in external macroeconomic impact on Hong Kong toy manufacturers considerable. We believe that the economic globalization,

2008-04-26 15:38:08 補充:
the digital network technology and the rise of China's "WTO accession" and other changes in the macro environment, the Hong Kong toy industry will face a new round of the impact of these challenges also have opportunities.

2008-04-26 15:38:26 補充:
Hope that this investigation and study of the toy industry in the operation of the risks and future development trend of making the assessment. 1.2 toy industry's contribution to the economy of Hong Kong Hong Kong is a small open economy,

2008-04-26 15:38:40 補充:
its economic structure to small and medium-sized enterprises as the driving force for the core (see table 1.1), to promote overall economic development, with Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and other neighboring countries and regions The economic structure is different.

2008-04-26 15:38:54 補充:
According to the SAR Government Small and Medium Enterprises Committee's "support for small and medium enterprises of the proposed" pointed out: "The Government estimates that between December 2000 so far, there are about 290,000 SMEs,

2008-04-26 15:39:05 補充:
accounting for 98% of the total number of enterprises in Hong Kong. "SMEs in all walks of life, the toy industry to Hong Kong's economy and contribute to the development of its apparent importance.

2008-04-26 15:39:29 補充:
Prospects: The plastic toy industry pressure: ---

Manufacturers have pointed out that Guangdong minimum wage will produce some cheap plastic toys factory affected the most, because this year,

2008-04-26 15:39:43 補充:
prices of plastic prices have more than doubled, but because of competition, manufacturers can not or will be passed on to all customers, can only bear alone , The profit pressure. Therefore, they can only rely on low wages to make up for the upward pressure on spending.

2008-04-26 15:39:51 補充:
"Plastic toy factory pressure, power shortage and rising prices of raw materials, have increased production costs, there may be more plants will be moved to the nearby provinces of Guangdong, to continue

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