
2008-04-26 9:47 am
1. salt點解可以溶於水?!

2. 紅血球同白血球的特性上有咩唔同?!

回答 (1)

2008-04-26 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. some salts are insoluble in water. but some salts are
soluble in water. when the energy released in the hydration
of ions is greater than the energy required to break the
ionic bond, the salts will dissolve in water, such as sodium
chloride. but in silver chloride the energy required to break
the ionic is great, so it is not soluble in water.
2. red blood cell is to carry oxygen and nutrients to
our cells and to carry carbon dioxide and other metabolic
waste away from cells.
white blood cell is to kill or even eat the bacteria to
protect us against disease.

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