Algebra help please? Struggling?

2008-04-25 7:44 pm
I need to solve each equation for the indicated variable (leave +- in your answers) I cant figure these two out. Thanks

1) (x-4)^2 = 49

2) x^2 =-12

回答 (5)

2008-04-25 7:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(x - 4)² = 49

Take sqrt of both sides

x - 4 = ±7

x = ±7 + 4

x = 11 or x = -3


x² = -12

Take sqrt of both sides

x = ±√(-12)

x = ±2i√3 (complex roots)
參考: MG
2008-04-25 7:50 pm
x-4 = +/- 7
x = 11 or -3

x = sqrt(-12) = +/-2 sqrt(-3) = no real solution
or +/- 2sqrt(3)i (if you have done complex number)
2008-04-25 7:55 pm
x=11 or x=-3


x = √(-12) = ±2i √3 = APPROX 3.46i
2008-04-25 7:50 pm
(1) (x - 4) ^2 = 49
sqrt((x - 4) ^2) = sqrt(49)
x - 4 = +7 or - 7
x = 11 or x = -3

(2) x ^2 = -12
x = 12i
x = 3 + 2i or 3 - 2i
2008-04-25 7:49 pm
(x-4)^2=49 take the sqrt of both sides
x-4=7 or x-4= -7
x=11 or x=-3

x^2= -12 again, sqrt both sides
x=2*sqrt(3i)....i think

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