急10點 - 譯英文幫經理覆客個 (唔要網譯)

2008-04-25 8:33 pm
我已通知了工廠方面貴公司全部產品都會即時轉用新 logo。但由於現時才收到你的指示,而訂單號 35086 紅色那款的新 logo 我們沒有存貨,如果現在訂貨的話最快也要兩星期,那是絕對趕不及 5 月 3 日的貨期的。請盡快回覆可否接受此款使用舊 logo。

另外,你要求的 AIO 那款 650pcs 提早於 5 月 3 日出貨,工廠方面回覆由於通知時間太緊迫實在做不到,最多只能提早至 5 月 15 日,希望你能向客人好好解釋並諒解我們的難處。

回答 (3)

2008-04-25 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We have informed the factory to apply the new logo on all of your products with immediately effect. Unfortunately, we do not have sufficient stock of the new red logo to meet with your order no. 35086 within such a short notice of replacement. The ealiest possible delivery date of the said red logo will be two weeks later even though we place an order immediately, and we don't think that we can cope with the agreed delivery date on 3 May. Please advise us whether you can accept the old logo just on that particular issue.
Further, your request for an early delivery of the 650 pcs of AIO to be made on 3 May is rejected by the factory as time is really insufficient. Most likely it can only be done on or before 15 May. We hope that you can explain our difficulties to your good clients.
We look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience!
Best regards,

2008-04-25 17:43:13 補充:
amendment of one sentence in last paragraph
Most likely it can only be done on or before 15 May.

Probably the earliest delivery date can be fixed on 15 May.

(若然呢封信係堅嘅信件, 覆客之日期很重要, 訂咗
果日就果日交貨, 所以我修改字眼為fixed, 唔用on or before)
2008-04-25 10:20 pm
We have already informed the factory to change the new logo immediately. However, we do not have enough in-stocks for the new Pink Logo (order no. 35086) with such a short notice. It normally takes 2 weeks from the day of order. Therefore, we are unable to complete your order by the 3rd of May if you still insist to use the Pink Logo. Please kindly inform us whether you will accept to use the original logo that you normally use to ensure no further delay on shipment?

Also, we regret to inform you that we are unable to complete the 650 pcs of AIO by the 3rd of May, as the request was too late and our factory only have the capacity to complete by the the 15th of May. We would appreciate that if you and your client would understand our situation.

Kind Regards
參考: ME!!!
2008-04-25 8:52 pm
( My eng standard not good enough, just hope to give you some insight)

We have informed the factory to adopt the new logo for all products. Unfortunatly, we currenly have no stocks for the new RED colour logos for invoice# 35086, together that it takes 2 weeks for its delivery, we are sorry that, if we insist on using the new logos, we cannot meet the delivery date on 3rd May. Please advise if you would accept the usage of the original one instead.
Furthermore, for the 650pcs of AIO early delivery request, the factory's feedback is negative, they reply that the schedule is too tight and it can't be achieve. They are willing to prior this order so it can be finished on 15th May, we sincerely hope that your client can understand our difficulties about it.

Best regards,

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