(英文問題) 緊急求救~! 請幫我翻譯~

2008-04-25 6:56 pm


回答 (7)

2008-04-25 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would like to have a reference letter from the company after I left the office. Please mail it to my residence address accordingly.
Thank you for your kind attention.
(reference letter通常用來證明該員工是何時入職,咩職位及因個人因由離職, 如做得好好, 公司應會再美言幾句!!)
2008-04-26 7:09 pm
I hoped after leaving job obtains leaves job the written notice.
Please mails me the written notice to my address. Thank you.
參考: me
2008-04-26 12:24 am
Myself hope after leaving job obtains leaves job the written notice. Please mail myself the written notice the address. Thanks.
參考: me
2008-04-25 10:09 pm
I want to leave after a notice of resignation. Please notice mailed to my address.Thank you for your reading!
2008-04-25 7:06 pm
咁奇怪既, 要離職通知書??????


I would like to get my advice notice of resignation after I left . Please mail the notice to my home address.
2008-04-25 7:04 pm
I would appreciate it if you can send the termination notice/letter to my home after I leave the company. Thanks.
2008-04-25 7:02 pm
i hope i can get a resignation letter after i have resigned.
please send it to my residental address. thank you.

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