some Q

2008-04-25 6:27 pm
1. Do you want to be healthy? How?

2. What sport(s) do you play?

3. How many times do you exercise each week?

回答 (2)

2008-04-25 6:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Yes of course I want to be healthy. You are probably referring to physically healthy, but don’t forget that being mentally healthy is also very important. I try to stay healthy by doing the following:
1) Eating healthy food and staying away from greasy or deep fried food;
2) Being upbeat and positive, avoiding negative thoughts going into mind
3) Keeping my interest in things that I enjoy to do and expanding my interests to new areas
4) Encouraging people around me, which in turn makes myself happy

2. I enjoy a lot of outdoor sports, such as hiking, biking & skiing. I also like to play table tennis and swimming. When I’m home, I do sit-up & yoga or play hula-hoop.

3. I don’t go to gym or do exercises on regular basis. I try to do it as often as I can.
2008-04-25 6:34 pm
It mustn't be "how", that is "why".

1.Yes,of course. Health is the most important thing in our lives.We feel
uncomfortable while we are sick.

2.I run every day. It is good for our health. I think running makes me happy.

3.About ten times.I run every morning and I have PE lessons on Monda and Wednesday.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 19:25:39
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