Although , But 作得岩?

2008-04-25 5:05 pm
1.Although i woke up late , i went to school on time.
2.Although Kenny is rich ,he doesn't have a friend.
3.Although Stephy was tired , she stayed up late to watch television.
4.Although paul doesn't like earing eggs , his father cook them every day.

1.It was sunny but cold yesterday.
2.Mary waited for an hous but nobody came.
3.The English teacher likes her but many students hate her.
4.He had a bad headache but he still went to the party.

回答 (5)

2008-04-26 8:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
d grammar 唔係好好, 我改咗d

1.Although I woke up late, I went to school on time.
2.Although Kenny is rich, he doesn't have a friend.
3.Although Stephy was tired, she stayed up late watching television.
4.Although Paul doesn't like eggs, his father cooks them every day.

1.It was sunny but cold yesterday.
2.Mary waited for an hour but nobody came.
3.Many students hate her but the English teacher likes her.
4.He had a bad headache but he still went to the party.
2008-04-25 8:54 pm

。ღ°‧《兒盈糖》。Ying ❤Yee Lolly♦論壇。
2008-04-25 7:17 pm
Besides some typos (e.g. “earing” should be “eating”, and “hous” should be “hour”), the use of although & but in your sentences is okay. Just note that a comma should be used when “but” connects two sentences. In daily informal emails, a lot of people often forget about this rule, but I still think using the comma will make the sentences clearer (especially in long sentences). For example:

Mary waited an hour, but nobody came.
The English teacher likes her, but many students hate her.

Furthermore, just for your interest, “but” means “not” in some context, for example:

I will go camping with anyone buy her.
--- This means I will not go camping with her.
2008-04-25 6:36 pm
I 應該大寫,其他都唔錯架啦,
伊d句子幾死板下- -
2008-04-25 6:03 pm
For (2.), it is better to be like this:
Although Kenny is rich, he does not has any friend.

For (3.), it is better to be:
Although Stephy was tired, she still stayed up late to watch television.

For (4.), there is a wrong spelling, and it is better to be like this:
Although Paul does not like eggs, his father still cook him eggs everyday.

for But (2.), there is a wrong spelling, should be HOUR instead of HOUS.

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