
2008-04-25 9:12 am


回答 (3)

2008-04-25 9:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如你有個意向價, 應該事先 set 左底價先呀嘛. 照依家咁, $110 就變左係正式成交價 ka la. 如果你唔賣比對方. 就視乎佢投唔投訴你 lor. 如果佢向 yahoo complain 你. yahoo 會扣分. 扣滿 45分就停你個戶口. 但正式黎講, 你都可以話 yahoo 耐你唔何既. 淨扣分, 冇實際行動. 或者, 你可同買方講. 架野壞左 lor. 先同佢講 sorry. 希望佢唔會去 yahoo 道投訴你咁 lor.
2008-04-25 9:01 pm
Certainly, if you are not performing "selling" to the buyer, you violate the regulation of Yahoo!Auction. Yahoo!Auction can take any or all actions stated on Yahoo!Auction against you, even taking legal advise.

However, it is just a theory. For a product in such small amount Yahoo!Acution will take no action other than waiting for the buyer to grant you a bad impression. That is all about it. Why Yahoo!Auction will not take any further step? It is because if Yahoo! Auction take legal advise to enforce you to sell your goods to buyer with $110, the lowest count case fee is $500. It is saying Yahoo!Auction or the buyer need to pay $500 to the lower count to sue you to enforce you to sell the item to him in the amount of $110. In total, the buyer needs to pay 110 + 500 + all times required to attend count listen.

Therefore, if you are just worried about what Yahoo!Acution may do, then just relax. Nothing is going to happen unless the buyer is stupid enough to pay count fee to enforce you to buy your item. Also, it is not a very critical issue, from business prospective, I do not think Yahoo!Auction will ban your account by such a small issue.

The above is just some suggestion for your worry. Personally and morally, I am not on your side. I am not buyer side, since promise is a promise. You should do what you promise. ^__^
2008-04-25 9:39 am
理論上,買家bid左咩價就係咩價,你要更改價錢係違反條款,不過建議你可以私下同買家傾下,用詞客氣D,睇下人地咩反應,其實你死都唔去交收佢都無你符,多數最多俾個 差劣-1 你,但當然佢亦有權向Yahoo Auction投訴你,不過交易o既野,多數有得傾,睇你點傾。

下次自己睇緊D個拍賣啦,如果自己最少接受$500,就set底價$500好D,不過都有D人為左慳posting fee,set$99起bid,但係個拍賣內容道寫明幾多先賣,當然我唔建議你咁做啦,因為如果有人去投訴,Yahoo auction就一定要做野
參考: 自己

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