各位師兄/高手,sales performance analysis中的anlysis要分析d什麼?

2008-04-25 7:13 am

回答 (1)

2008-05-04 7:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
sales performance analysis
What is Sales Performance Management (SPM)?
Driving profitable sales is top of mind for many executives. However, sales leaders face the challenge of increasing sales effectiveness to coax greater revenue from their sales forces — a process that has been treated more like an art, instead of a science.
Business challenges to sales effectiveness include:

Inability to plan and model effectively — planning sales quotas, forecasting incentive spend, and modeling territories on disparate multiple spreadsheets, often with out-of-date information
Changing systems to reflect new sales initiatives — multiple systems that are inflexible and costly to change, meaning sales incentives are misaligned with corporate initiatives
Inability to align sales with corporate initiatives — employees and the distribution channels do not have a clear understanding of how they are being measured, which means sales days will be lost due to shadow accounting and finance will spend too much time handling disputes
Inability to analyze performance and make mid-course corrections — without analytical tools, your company can't identify opportunities, make timely mid-course corrections or pre-empt financial surprises
Sales Performance Management (SPM) is an integrated framework that enables organizations to plan and model sales strategies and ensure timely execution of sales initiatives, while ensuring both front-line sales people and decision-makers have visibility into performance.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:28:31
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