Update CPU

2008-04-24 11:03 pm
我的底板支援LGA 775,Pentium 4,Pentium D,CORE2DUO,現時用Pentium 4 、531、3 G,想update CPU,邊隻高過呢隻?因現時的規格唔識分?Thanks!

回答 (3)

2008-04-24 11:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果你塊底板支緩LGA 775, 甘就可以揾775 規格既CPU裝.
P4, PD C2D 都得. 775板建議用C2D (Core 2 Duo) CPU.

C2P E2140/E2160/E2180/E2200等等 (速度分別)
C2D E8200等等.
參考: own
2008-04-25 1:28 am
LGA775既板都有分FSB 唔同 用唔到唔係是但1粒都得
如邊間廠 :咩MODEL
2008-04-25 12:54 am
in fact that, P4 and PD is old product. It is diffcult to find them except you buy second hand product.the nowaday intel CPU have core 2 extreme, core 2 quad, core 2 duo, pentium dual core, celeron dual core and celeron. Core 2 extreme product usually over 8000 HKD, so you do not need to think about it. but in fact that core 2 extreme is only a CPU that let you easier to overclock. Core 2 Quad is a cpu have quad-core. core 2 quad at least cost 2000 HKD. it have core 2 Quad Q6600/6700/9300/9400/9450/9550 in this series. Q6XXX is the old product, Q6600 cost around 2000 to 2100, Q6700 cost around 4000. Q9XXX is the new product use 45 nm technology. Q9X50 means it have 12MB L2 chace. Q9X00 means it have 6 MB L2 chace.now, in Q9XXX series, only Q9300 is appear inmarket. the price is around 2200 to 2300. other will be appear in market in a few month.Core 2 Duo is a duo core CPU. its price is around 800 to 2000. It include core 2 duo e8x00, e6x50, e6x00/20, e4x00. e8x00 is a 45nm CPU and it have 1333MHz FSB and 3/6MB L2 chace. other core 2 duo CPU still using 65 nm technology.core 2 duo e6x50 have 4 MB L2 chace and 1333MHz FSB. e6x00/20is using 1066MHz FSB and 4MB L2 chace except e6300 and e6400 is using 2MB L2 chace. nobody buy e6x00/20 now. e4x00 is contain 2 MB L2 chace, and it is use 800MHz FSB. Pentium dual core cpu is a duo core cpu too, it is all the thing like core 2 duo e 4x00, but it only have 1 MB L2 chace. It is around 400-700HKD. celeron dual core is a duo core CPU with 512 KB L2 chace. its around 400 HKD. celeron is a single core CPU, its price is between 300 to 400 HKD.
for more information you can go to http://www.intel .com

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