
2008-04-24 10:50 pm

回答 (2)

2008-04-25 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Use of professional, industrial-grade data recovery software is recommended to retrieve your deleted files. Consumer grade ones are OK too but may have lots of restrictions.
Just make sure you did not HARD-FORMAT (ie. low-level format) your SD card because doing do will permanently erase all files without the possibility of recovery.
Final Data mentioned in #1 is fine, but I don't think it's ever available as trialware. Also, its interface is IMO not very friendly. EasyRecovery Pro is another alternative, but again is out of normal consumer's reach (unless of course if you try peer-to-peer).
Additional information regarding such software has been PMed to you, please check your email.
2008-04-24 10:54 pm

簡介 :
Windows 作業系統都設有資源回收筒功能,以防止使用者意外刪除檔案,但是因為硬體空間有限,使用者常習慣性 去清理資源回收筒以增加硬碟空間,如果你的檔案已從資源回收筒清除,那你將無法找回這些已刪除的檔案。
終於,FinalData 讓你免除這個惡夢,只要四個步驟,救回你所有的檔案。


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