英文正確寫法 24.04-2

2008-04-24 6:17 pm




回答 (5)

2008-04-24 7:37 pm
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Due to a fire in our neighbourhood and a ship collision accident, shipment of goods has been delayed.
Shipment 其實已表示貨件付運,所以上句可省略成:
Due to a fire in our neighbourhood and a ship collision accident, shipment has been delayed.
Due to a fire in our neighbourhood and a ship collision accident, shipment of goods was delayed.
Due to the breaking out of a fire near our factory and a ship collision accident (add details if you wish), we are sorry to inform you that shipment of goods has been (or was/will be) delayed.

2008-04-24 19:26:11 補充:
其實唔寫fire嘅location而寫山火有點怪,我寧願寫location而唔寫hill fire,對於對方來講,你說有hill fire (I prefer using mountain fire, hill fire is a bit Chinglish),對方會問: So?我寧願講場火點影响到你仲清楚直接。

2008-04-25 09:50:19 補充:
其實火發生的地點怎樣影响你遲出貨比那場火是在山上還是山下重要。你要從recipient 的角度去睇佢明唔明你想表達的意思!你既然想表達因為附近發生火災,導致shipment 延期,你還是說明一下是附近發生火災比較清晰及合邏輯。無端端爆句山火,除非你客户知你工廠在山上,否則佢會再問: 『山火?咁即係點?』

2008-04-25 09:55:35 補充:
mountain fire 是個term,等同撞船如果係細艇,我哋一樣叫shipwreck或 ship collision 而好少叫boat collision一樣。所以你打hill fire 去 search engine search,盡是香港網站,外國大大小小的山火都统稱 mountain fire。That is why I said hill fire is a bit Chinglish.

2008-04-25 09:58:44 補充:
為了專業起見,我仍是強烈建議你用 shipment 這個字去表達「出貨」。
2008-04-25 2:21 am
Due to a hill fire and a ship collision, the goods were shipped (out) late.

The goods were shipped (out) late because of a hill fire and a ship collision.


Ship collision 已含有accident的意思,所以只要寫ship collision 或 ship accident就可以了.

2008-04-25 00:01:28 補充:
我明白你的意思, 亦同意在完整的溝通中可以寫明山火的位置. 不過, 站在翻譯的角度, 句子就應該"忠於原著", 儘量不要加添自己的想像力. 所以我認為在翻譯這個句子時, 可以省略山火的位置.

另山火可翻作mountain fire或hill fire, 兩者都無問題, 只是視乎那座山的大小. 在英文中, mountain是指大山, 好像富士山, 阿爾卑斯山等. hill 則是小山. 在香港境內的所謂山, 其實都只是hill. 參考: 香港政府網頁都是用hill fire的.
2008-04-24 10:46 pm
Translation from lcarus is the best.
2008-04-24 9:17 pm
With the shipment because the collision and fire on the accident so late shipments
2008-04-24 6:21 pm
The goods piece with climb mountain the fire and the accident that bumps the ship, so late to delivery of goods

see is it useful for u!

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