請幫我的忙! 有邊D係用”because”,”so”,”so,that”,”since”,”as”黎造句的例子?唔該曬!

2008-04-24 8:07 am

回答 (2)

2008-04-24 7:25 pm
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I left him because I hated him so much! (我好憎佢所以我離開左佢.)
So, do you think I am correct?(那麼, 你認為我對麼?)
Please open the door wide so that I can move in the piano. (請將大門打開讓我可將鋼琴移進屋內.)
U.K. handover Hong Kong back to China since 1997. (自 1997年英國已將香港交回予中國)
Little John is not allow to wear a dress as he is a boy. (小朋友約翰是不可以穿裙子的. 因他是一個男孩.)
2008-04-28 12:00 pm
He stays at home because he has broken his legs.
Because I worked hard, I got full marks for Mathematics.
The fire happened because John had left a towel near the stove.
You must not tell her a lie because she is a child.
The train was delayed two hours because of the accident.

在adverb 副詞時,解作 ~此後;從那時到現在 / 之前 / 以前。
在conjunction連接詞時,解作~以來,從……至今 / 既然;因為,由於。
在preposition 介詞 / 前置詞時,解作~(常用於現在完成或過去完成式)自……以來,從……至今

Since we were late, we were punished by the teacher.
Since it was a holiday, he stayed in bed all day.
Since the party she had only spoken to him once.
He has been in London since 1958.
I have not read a book since I got ill.

在preposition 介詞 / 前置詞時,解作~為了,代替,因為,由於,在(指定時間),當作,當作,為得到,往,向,就……而言。
在conjunction連接詞時,解作~因為,由於 。

We must start early, for it will take two hours to drive to the airport.
I have been learning English for five years.
We got a new table for the dining room.
I took her classes for her while she was sick.
Here is a package for you.

在adverb 副詞時,解作 ~這麼 / 如此 / 所以 / 如此看來。
在conjunction連接詞時,解作~所以 / 因此 / 從而 / 因而。
在interjection感嘆語時,解作 ~ (表示驚訝等)啊!(表示同意等)好。
在adjective形容詞時,解作 ~事實如此的;真的。

I am so pleased to see you.
The manager was ill so I went in her place.
We were afraid of them, so we ran away.
He was hungry, so he ate it greedily.
I spoke loudly so everybody could hear me.

So that / so…… that (是短語~phrase)
解作 ~ 為了如此……以至於;以便 / 如此……以致……
He got up early so that he might catch the first train.
He ran very slowly, so that I could easily catch up with him.
He worked so hard that he passed the examination.
He is not so deaf that he cannot hear a gun.
The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap.

2008-04-28 04:01:52 補充:
在adverb 副詞時,解作~同樣地,跟……一樣地 / 如同;例如。
在preposition 介詞 / 前置詞時,解作~作為,以……的身分 / 當作 / 像;如同。
在conjunction連接詞時,解作~依照;像 / 雖然 / 因為 / 隨著 / 當……時。
在pronoun代名詞時,解作~引導子句,對前述內容作補充 / (與such, the same, as等連用,引導關係子句)與……相同事物(或人)。

2008-04-28 04:02:05 補充:
Such animals as foxes and squirrels have bushy tails.
She works as an interpreter in that company.
The old woman was dressed as a young lady.
As she left the room she remembered that book.
As the sun rose the fog dispersed.
參考: grammar book

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