
2008-04-24 5:07 am
係咪...(what did you do today?)呀???

回答 (4)

2008-04-24 9:10 pm

雖然有許多人說What did you do today?是文法錯誤

但其實這句文法絕對正確,而且比What have you done today?更正確

這是因為:若有明確指定過去的時間,我們通常會用簡單過去式(simple past tense),而不用現在完成式,如:

我們會說I went to the school library yesterday.(昨天,我去了學校圖書管),而不說:I have gone to the school library yesterday.

問句只不過是用了倒裝法(inversion),與正常句子並無分別,所以你大可放心用,What did you do today?


Rockets & Mortars

So what did you do today?
By Paula R. Stern January 17, 2008

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Tell me, what did you do today? Was it a normal day? Did you go to work, to school? Did you make plans to go out with friends? While you went about your day, did it occur to you, for even a second, that a rocket or a missile might come flying into your city, your neighborhood, your home?

Did you worry about where your children might be? Did you wonder if your child's school could withstand an incoming rocket? Would the roof collapse, is there space enough for all the children? Did you think that a siren might go off while they were in the street and that they might not have time to seek shelter before a mortar hit? Did you look, while you were driving, where you might pull over or if you could stop the car fast enough? Did you fill your car with gas and wonder what would happen to those nearby, if a gas station were hit?

2008-04-24 7:03 pm
樓上朋友的 What have you done today? 最正確, but, who would ask a question like that? unless you found something unusual such as: How you got the bruises on your face? what have you done today (in school)?
參考: Self
2008-04-24 5:19 am
"What did you do today?"
"What have you done today?"
或者 "What happenend today?"
參考: 個人意見
2008-04-24 5:10 am
What have you done today?
參考: me

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