有冇人知道what's the name of this cartoon movie

2008-04-24 2:28 am
我以前好細個時睇過一出cartoon 的movie, 10點後o個d 時候播ga
好似係話兒童不宜, 我睇左d d... 但係就覺得好感人, 好想睇埋....

個plot 大概係咁~~
有一個好叻的killer, 佢成個身都係一條龍的tatoo. 而佢係好cold blooded, 但係呢, 佢向每殺一個人之後, 佢都會流一滴tear. 咁之係佢向beach 遇到一個畫畫的女仔, and then seems like fall in love with her..... 咁之係就冇睇la....

thx very much for your help, i really wanna know what's the name of that movie and watch it again!
Merci beaucoup!!!

回答 (1)

2008-04-26 3:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
無記錯應該係《淚眼煞星》。作者是池上遼一和小池一夫。希望可以幫到你啦! XD

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