
2008-04-24 1:12 am

回答 (3)

2008-04-24 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
由墨爾本出發 === 香港 === 回墨爾本

如果是悉尼, 國泰有優惠 澳幣$1142 (AUD $1 = HK $7.1)


但墨爾本出發 (經濟位) 來香港現在 AUD 1,125 + 稅 或者 AUD 1,236 + 稅



This is a special fare with limited seats available.

Refund for Cancellation and No-show:
AUD330 refund charge on totally unused ticket.
No refund for partially used ticket.

Rerouting:Not permitted.

Extra Rules
Ticket must be issue on/before 31Jul08
Valid on CX only, non-endorsable, non-reroutable, non-refundable.
eTicket only.
Child fare: Accompanied child age 2-11 charge 75% of applicable adult fare.
Not eligible for redemption upgrade for tickets issued from 15Oct07.



1. 入國泰航空公司官方網頁

2. 選擇 [[[[ 澳洲國泰航空公司區域 ]]]]

3. 選時間, 日期, 艙位類型

4. 機票以電子機票形式出


澳洲航空公司訂的方法都一樣 QANTAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-04-24 12:36:45 補充:
5 月 6 月是 淡季

2 月 8 月是留學生開學季節 (澳洲 1 年開兩個學期). 機位較緊張!!!!
2008-04-29 10:03 pm
You can check www.webjet.com.au, they provide quotation for different airlines. E-ticket, so very convenience, no matter where you are.

www. qantas.com.au is an alternative web.

But it may cost more recently, as AUD$ is very high.
參考: myself
2008-04-24 1:26 am
可以. 但冇乜折扣 lor. 因優惠機票. 一定係當地出先較平的. 例如, 舊年我想買張機票送比我個妹生日返香港. 倫敦 --> 香港 --> 倫敦. 我係香港買要 $13000. 佢係倫敦自己搵旅行社出$9000有找. 故最後都係我匯錢過去比佢自己買 lor.

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