綠色生活 有咩英文生字或句子和環保有關?

2008-04-23 9:25 pm

Live Green~

回答 (3)

2008-05-02 2:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Use biodegradable plastic bags.
Plants more trees.
Recyce, reduce, euse
Take a shower instead of a bath.

2008-05-01 18:08:11 補充:
Plants ---->>>Plant
Recyce, reduce, euse----->>Recycle, reduce, reuse
2008-04-29 6:49 pm
Protect our world, use less plastic bag.

Bring your own bag (BYOB).

Keep our environment green.
2008-04-23 10:04 pm
Regarding Environmental Preservation, there's many:
Energy saving, Green Office, Green Purchasing, Paper saving, Noise Control, Water Discharge Control, Air and Dust Control, Chemical Waste Disposal, Conservation, Heritage..........

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