
2008-04-23 6:28 pm
想問下如果我想請個大陸女傭, 應該如何申請? 薪金比印傭或賓妹高少少ok嗎?
如果不可以輸入大陸女傭, 原因是什麼?

回答 (3)

2008-04-23 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is a very interesting question. I want to know the answer too.

I guess the main reason is a lot of 大陸女傭 will not want to go back to 中國 once they get a chance work in HK, which will create a lot of legal problem. 印傭或賓妹 has more credit on that.

Also, I guess HK government don’t want 大陸人 become HK people 傭人 . This sounds bad in the public.
參考: my own guess
2008-04-23 9:11 pm
基本上唔須要申請, 香港有咁大陸人落左黎,出街有十個8個係大陸人,你係登記請人,只要佢有香港居留權就可以係香港打工
2008-04-23 7:49 pm
I think the main reason is generally Hong Kong pople have lots of relatives in China, the government does not want they use the reason of employing domestic helpers to help their relatives to stay in Hong Kong.

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