可否告知內容 held/holds 是過式/現在式

2008-04-23 7:15 am
Olympics is a big event in the world. It held or holds every four years.

回答 (2)

2008-04-23 11:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
奧運會是死物,hold 是指舉辦,句子結構來說你要用被動式才對。
Olympics is a big event in the world. It is held every four years.
It 代表 Olympics, 奧運會是「被舉辦」。但你可以這樣說:
The International Olympics Committee holds the Olympics every four years.
但Olympics 不會自己舉辦,所以The Olympics holds every four years 是錯的。

2008-04-23 15:51:16 補充:

The Olympics Games, which is a big international event, is held every four years.
2008-04-23 8:02 am
可否告知內容 held/holds 是過式/現在式
Olympics is a big event in the world. It holds every four years.

hold(s)現在式; held是過去式

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:28:07
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