
2008-04-23 6:40 am

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2008-04-30 6:41 am
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Farmers in deserts are mainly natives tribes-people. Thry grow crops and keep livestock for a living. They are subsistence farmers.

1. Cultivation

a. Oasis farming

- people get fround water for irrigation

- they grow olives, wheat, vegetables

b. Marginal farming

- people get water from the margins of deserts with little more rainfall

- they grow only 1 crop in 2 years

( e.g. barley, corn, rye, sorghum )

2. Nomadic herding

- nomads are people who move from place to place to search for pastures and water

- they keep livestock

( e.g. camels, cattle, horses )

- they live in tents

- they have a simple life

e.g. the Befouins in thr Sahara Desert

3. Collecting firewood

- twigs are collected and use as firewood for cooking





1. 耕種

a. 綠洲種田
- 人們用地下水灌溉
- 他們生長橄欖, 麥子, 菜

b. 少量種田
- 人們得到水從沙漠邊際以少許更多降雨量
- 他們生長只1 片莊稼在2 年
(即大麥、玉米、黑麥, 高梁)

2. 遊牧成群

- 遊牧人是搬走到處向查尋牧場地和澆灌的人們
- 他們保留家畜
(即駱駝、牛, 馬)
- 他們居住在帳篷裡
- 他們有簡單的生活
( Bedouins在撒哈拉大沙漠 )

3. 收集木柴

- 枝杈被收集和使用作為木柴為烹調

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