英文文法問題,唔該大家 help solve

2008-04-23 4:47 am
如果用look forward to代替hope 呢個字,下面個句應該點change啊???
I hope that he will succeed.

I hope to see you and your family soon.

l hope you enjoy this story

回答 (4)

2008-04-23 7:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實你只要留意兩點,第一就是look forward to後面要用動名詞(gerund)或名詞,第二點就是若動名詞片語的主詞與主句的主詞不同的時候,就要用所有格(如:his, your, my, her, their等)帶出動名詞或名詞
I look forward to his success.
I look forward to seeing you and your family soon.
I look forward to your enjoying this story.

2008-04-22 23:03:20 補充:

第二點就是若動名詞所帶出的片語的主詞與主句的主詞不同的時候,就要用所有格(如:his, your, my, her, their等)帶出動名詞或名詞


第二點就是,若look forward to之後的片語的主詞跟主句主詞不同時,就要...
2008-04-25 8:07 pm
小小意見,looking forward to指期望/期待,hope則是希望,兩者的意思不大一樣.前者是有信心的盼望,後者只是個人意願,所以不一定可以用look forward to去代替hope.比如最後一句:

I hope you enjoy this story.(我希望你喜歡這個故事)
I look forward to your enjoying of this story 或 I am looking forward to that you will enjoy this story.(我期待你喜歡這個故事)

2008-04-23 6:35 pm
I hope that he will succeed.
I am looking forwad to his success.

I hope to see you and your family soon.
I am looking forward to see you and your family soon.

I hope you enjoy this story
I am looking foward that you will enjoy this story
2008-04-23 7:03 am
I hope that he will succeed.
= I am looking forward to his success.

I hope to see you and your family soon.
= I am looking forward to seeing you and your family soon.

l hope you enjoy this story.
= I am looking forward to your enjoying this story.

Hope this helps!
參考: my knowledge

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