Prince Of Egypt 內容(特急!!!!!!!!!)[20分!!!!!]

2008-04-23 3:54 am
我想問Prince Of Egypt 的內容,明天要用!!!

回答 (2)

2008-04-23 4:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is the extraordinary tale of two brothers named Moses and Ramses, one born of royal blood, and one an orphan with a secret past. Growing up the best of friends, they share a strong bond of free-spirited youth and good-natured rivalry. But the truth will ultimately set them at odds, as one becomes the ruler of the most powerful empire on earth, and the other the chosen leader of his people! Their final confrontation will forever change their lives and the world. Written by Anthony Pereyra {[email protected]}

Egypt, eons of years ago: Pharao Seti commands all male hebrew babies to be drowned. A desperate mother places her son in a basket and lets the Hebrew god guide it along its way on the river. The basket is found by the Queen, and Moses is brought up as a brother to the heir of the throne, Ramses. Years later, the brothers, who grew up happily and wealthy, are split by Moses' recognition of his true heritage and the suppressing system his brother is about to inherit, willing to carry it on. Fleeing from the city in despair, Moses finds himself being called by God. He is given the task of being the messenger in order to free the Hebrews and to lead them into a country where milk and honey flow. Written by Julian Reischl {[email protected]}

In ancient Egypt, Moses, the prince of Egypt, finds he is a Hebrew and that he was born a slave. After leaving Egypt and meeting Jethro. the high priest, and marrying Jethro's daughter, Tzporah, Moses must return to Egypt to free his people with the hands of God to lead him. The one problem is that his former brother, Ramses, is now the Pharaoh and won't give in to God's wonders. Now Moses will do anything, and that means ANYTHING to convince Ramses to let his people go. Written by Zac Abrams

2008-04-22 20:10:19 補充:

2008-04-22 20:10:23 補充:
為了帶來一新耳目的視聽場面,《埃及王子》動用了來自35個國家的350名首席畫師、動畫師及技術師,花了四年時間炮製出來。本片獲得奧斯卡最佳音樂大獎,其主題音樂“When You Believe”由《風中奇緣》金像填詞家史提芬舒華執筆,配以《獅子王》金像作曲家漢斯洗馬的妙韻旋律,再加上樂壇兩位天后雲妮候斯頓及瑪莉嘉兒合唱,令電影生色不少。


2008-04-22 20:12:39 補充:

Two men -- brothers and princes of the greatest empire on earth. One will someday rule Egypt. The other will become one of the greatest heroes of all time.

2008-04-22 20:13:01 補充:
A lie made them brothers - but the truth will destroy a dynasty and forever separate them - in faith - in heritage - in destiny.

The epic journey of Moses from slave to prince to deliverer has been told and retold for centuries, inspiring generation after generation.

2008-04-22 20:13:33 補充:
Now this timeless story comes to the screen in a new form for audiences of every generation to experience.

"The Prince of Egypt" features the voices of Val Kilmer as Moses and Ralph Fiennes as Rameses.

2008-04-22 20:13:51 補充:
It also brings together the vocal talents of Sandra Bullock as Miriam, Danny Glover as Jethro, Jeff Goldblum as Aaron, Steve Martin as Hotep, Helen Mirren as the Queen, Michelle Pfeiffer as Tzipporah, Martin Short as Huy, and Patrick Stewart as Pharaoh Seti.

2008-04-22 20:14:00 補充:
Oscar winner Stephen Schwartz ("Pocahontas") wrote six original songs for the film, and composer Hans Zimmer, an Academy Awardr winner for his work on "The Lion King," created the score.

2008-04-22 20:14:12 補充:
Over 350 artists, animators and technicians from over 35 different countries devoted four years to bringing "The Prince of Egypt" to the screen.

2008-04-22 20:14:32 補充:
The film breaks exciting new ground in animation with such developments as the state-of-the-art exposure tool, developed by DreamWorks and SGI, which allows for the seamless blending of 2-D and 3-D animation.

2008-04-22 20:14:41 補充:
New approaches in character and production design give the film a look that is distinctly different from other animated films.

2008-04-22 20:14:46 補充:
In addition, award-winning visual effects artists from the world of live-action films joined with traditional animation artists to achieve a new level of special effects for an animated feature.

2008-04-22 20:16:22 補充:
2015-11-25 2:20 pm

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