
2008-04-22 7:04 am
本人希望可以買一部洗碗碟機俾家人, 唔使佢地下下自己洗, 有時屋企人多太多碟佢地好辛苦.
我想搵部4000內的一般家用洗碗碟機, 一次洗3-4個人的份量

我問過好幾家, 都無人賣, 那度有得賣呀?

另外, 用洗碗碟機係咪一定要用特定的清潔劑? 會唔會好麻煩?
我一點資料都找不到, 但又很枇買給家人, 有人可以幫到我嗎?


回答 (1)

2008-04-24 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may go to Wing On department store, they have several Dish Cleaning Machine Display for ref.
Actually, I've using it few years ago but it is not worth to have it in a ordinary family house. The size of the machine is quite big. It just like a Small Washing machine and you must have enough space for the door opening.
For more information, you may visit some brand name's web site such asDah Chong http://www.whirlpool.com.hk/sc_webcat/ecat/product_browse_list.php?lang=2&cat=10007 (大昌貿易行 ),
Whirlpool and 西門子 etc.
http://www.whirlpool.com.hk/sc_webcat/ecat/product_browse_list.php?lang=2&cat=10007 (Whirlpool)
http://www.siemens-ha.com.cn/pdt_product.php?f=0&t=0&seriesId=40&categoryId=70&seriesName=%B1%EA%D7%BC%D0%CD%CF%B4%CD%EB%BB%FA (Siemens)

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