
2008-04-22 6:30 am
A gang of girls at school pick on me, hit me, laugh at me and force me to give money. i've told the teacher but they do nothing. What can I do?


回答 (6)

2008-04-22 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the teacher does not do anything, I would suggest you to report this to the school social worker and also your parents to see if you should report to the police.

This is a matter at "zero" tolerance.

Hope it helps.
2008-04-22 7:10 am
Be brave and tell all the adults you think who can help you. If they do not do anything, talk to them again and again. You can even go to the headmaster to report this.
You have to do it quick. If the problem is still not solved, call the police.
No need to dial 999, just dial 1823, they have 24 hours service and they can help you immediately.
參考: Myself
2008-04-22 6:34 am
1. report to your mother,
2. report to your school social worker,
3. ask your class-teacher what you can do
2008-04-22 6:34 am
You can fight with them but I don't think it will be good =,=
Anothr way you can find the school social wroker, they are more friendly and helpful to students or you can change ti another school
But I think you can find the school social worker学校社工
2008-04-22 6:34 am
You can call your Mum or Dad to write a letter for your headmaster

And they will help soon
2008-04-22 6:34 am
You can ask the teacher for more times.
If they do nothing, you can call the police.
That's okay to call the police when you need help.
You can ask your parents for help,too!

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