timely access to information即係點解?

2008-04-21 11:22 pm
timely access to information 即係咩意思??

回答 (2)

2008-04-22 12:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
timely = at the right time
access = reach / receive / get
timely access to information = get the information at the right time
參考: Myself
2008-04-22 3:28 am
timely access to information

timely 的英文解釋是 happening at the right time, 正是我們常說「及時」的意思, 表示一些事情或人物剛好發生或出現, 從而得到正面的效果、或避免了負面情況。

access 是‘取出’、‘得到’、‘使用’, 不過與 timely 相反, 它的英文解釋是比較清楚:the opportunity or right to use something or to see something, 有 獲准接觸或使用的含意 (有別於可以隨時隨意自行接觸或使用)。

timely access to information = 及時接觸到(取得)資料(資訊)

例如: Timely access to information on the suspect’s bank accounts enabled the police to arrest him at the airport before he tried to leave Hong Kong (警方及時取得疑犯的銀行户口資料, 可以在他企圖離開香港時把他拘捕)

使用 timely 的另一例子:A fight between the two students was prevented by the timely arrival of the teacher (老師及時趕到, 避免兩個學生打起來)
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dict.

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