Want to Cut Cable TV Service

2008-04-21 11:02 pm
I have filled out the Cable TV Service Termination Form on-line on March 20. They said they will mail me the 終止服務確認書, the 確認書 will confirm my termination and tells me where I should return the 解碼器.

I have called them again on April 7, and April 17, they said they have received my form and termination is confirmed. But up till today, I still have not received the 終止服務確認書. I called CS (1832832) again and they said they ahave already send to me 2 times, I said the address is same as the billing address and I dunno why I can receive the bill but not the letter.

My termination date is May 14, but can I return the 解碼器 before May 14?

I know the address to return the 解碼器, but when I go, do I need to bring my 終止服務確認書 together? Anything else I need to bring?


回答 (1)

2008-04-21 11:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
只要你態度強硬一點 call CS同佢講term服務 其實可以不用填form的
現在你最重要的是明確對方是否已經把你的服務終止了 不會再對你收費 只要服務須的終止了 還機的問題不大 他們自然會想辦法收回的
對方遲遲沒有發信 必然是將不放棄你這名客戶 我信不用多久 他們就會有客戶服務員致電你 向你推廣一些優惠計劃
始終 解碼器一回收 很難再留客了
參考: 個人經驗

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