
2008-04-21 10:11 pm
Hero:Once I say I love you I think you would be gone, oh baby~
cuz we are too young to love so I can say little long~ hold you
in my arms .
Micky: but I will be waiting for you to say you want me to be
with you .I'll live in your love and your dream forever and ever

Hero: whenever you look in my eyes there are so many smiles and
tears .I was born to love feel so deep inside. if you need me I'll
be your man (I'll be your man)
Xiah: whenever you look in my eyes, I do want to show you my love

I make up my mind make your dreams come true. nobody can stop me to
say I love you.

Max: How can I ask who you're still looking for I'm the one
since love seems to make me blind I try to find all day long
but Icannot hold

U-know: we talk on the phone every night and so came closer
day by day I touch you and kiss you and hold you to feel but
in dream
Micky: whenever you look in my eyes

Xiah: there are so many smiles and tears

Micky: I was born to love feel so deep inside

Xiah: If you need me I'll be your man (I'll be your man)
Max: whenever you look in my eyes I do want to show you my love

All: I make up my mind make your dreams come true

Max: nobody can stop me to say

Xiah: I love you~

All: in my arms, in my soul I want to hold you baby
you don't know how much I love you do you baby
Hero: Like a sun rising up, I can't stop loving you. can't hold
back anymore~

Max: whenever you look in my eyes there are so many smiles and tears

Xiah: I was born to love feel so deep inside

If you need me, I'll be your man (I'll be your man)
Hero: whenever you look in my eyes (in my eyes) I do want to show you
my love

All: I make up my mind make your dreams come true

Hero: nobody can stop me to say, I love you



回答 (1)

2008-04-21 10:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hug 擁 抱 (中文版)
Hero: 只要讓我做一天你溫暖的睡床 Oh Baby
     可以溫柔地把你摟的我的懷中 哄著你入眠
Micky: 夢中每個細小動作 輕聲在你的耳邊訴說
      都會讓我打敗所有怪獸在你夢裡 Oh Wu~
Hero: 沒有我你如何度過 你又是怎樣消磨時間
     會不會愛我 好想聽你說 是否有我愛你的多
Xiah: 悄悄藏在你抽屜裡 成為你心情的日記
     不能知道的 你的小秘密 全部關進我的心裡 好好地
         ( 間 奏 )
Max: 我幻想有一天能變成你的貓咪 Oh Baby
     牠可以品嘗你倒的牛奶 而且還在 你手心淘氣
U-know: 每次和牠開心玩耍 抱緊牠時動作的親密
Micky: Oh Wu~ 這些就是我的愛情
Xiah: 只有你始終在我眼裡
TVXQ: 無論在哪裡 只想看著你 
Xiah: 沒有誰能將你代替
Max: 哪怕只有一天也好 我想做你的親密情人
TVXQ: 勝利的驕傲 憂傷的煩惱
Max: 我願意用心去傾聽
Xiah: 只為你
TVXQ: In my heart In my seoul
     愛原本空白陌生 對我是那麼的難懂 Woo Baby
     想要把 世界上 所有美好都給你
Hero: 即使在夢裡 Na Wu Wu~
Max: 這些就是我的愛情 希望能一直看著你
TVXQ: 有一些感激 在這幸福裡
Xiah: 我努力去完美自已
Hero: 無論何時在你身邊 我們一定可以相戀
TVXQ: 摟你在懷中 緊緊抱著你
Hero: 我想要可以永遠的  愛著你
TVXQ: Ho Ho Ho~

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