20分-[C.E]會計學原理[corret errors and suspense account]-20分

2008-04-21 2:47 pm
T Sang extracting the following trial balance form his books.He could no get the amount agree.So a suspense account had been opened to record the dissimilar.

             T Sang
        Trial Balance as at 31 December 20X7
                         DR   CR
                         $    $
Capital                          25621
Drawing                     13690
Sales                           94630
Purchases                     60375
Returns inwards and outwards             1210  1109
Wages and Salaries                 14371
Sundry expenses                  598
Debtors&Creditors                 11370  4290
loan form J chen                      5000
Equipment                    16000
Bank 5790
Suspenses 1546
                        132196 132196
                        ===== =====
The following errors were later discovered:

The following errors were later discovered: 1. Purchases journal had been overcast by $258. 2. Repayment of a loan,$2000,bad been debited in error to the wages account. 還有的再看補充問題


3. A cheque payment for purchasing equipment amounting to$1500 had been entered in the equipment account but not in the cash book. 4. Returns Outwards of $168 had been entered in the returns outwards journal but in the creditor's account. 還有的再看補充問題


5.Sundry expenses of $44 had been entered in the cash book but not in the sundry expenses account. 還有required再看補充問題


You are required to: a) Draw up the suspense account,showing all the corrections. b) Redraft the trial balance after all corrections have been made.

回答 (1)

2008-04-21 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 因為purchases個數做大左, 所以先cr: purchases $258. 由於只有一個account做錯數, 所以要dr: suspense $258.
2. 正確entry如下
dr: loan from J chen
cr: bank
dr: wages
cr: bank
dr: loan from J chen
cr: wages
3. 因為只係無入cash book, 所以要cr: bank去反映公司比錢, dr: suspense $1500.
4. 因為無做creditor的entry, 所以要dr: creditor去反映因為退貨而減少的負債. cr: suspense的原因是因為公司做漏一邊的entry, 令trial balance不平衡.
5. 同第四條道理近似. 增加expense就要debit, 但公司只係入bank, 但無增加exp, 所以先dr: sundry expenses, 之後是cr: suspense, 因為公司做漏一邊的entry.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 00:54:27
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