
2008-04-21 8:09 am
hku space

除以上3個外, 仲有冇其他好選擇?(必須受持續進修基金資助&不計歌德學院)

回答 (2)

2008-04-25 5:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was about to say Goethe Institute in Wanchai. Sorry no comments but you can compare the details of lesson and who is the tutor. etc.
2008-04-21 4:01 pm








AH 12-108-00 (72)
Introductory Certificate in German

Enquiry 查詢: 2975 5695
Fax 傳真: 2858 3404
Email 電郵: [email protected]

Course Start Date 開課日期: To Be Advised


The Closing date for application for each German course is 12 working days before the published start date of the course. This gives us sufficient time to send students information about the Continuing Education Fund so that they can register with The Office of the Continuing Education Fund before the start of the course and meet one of the requirements for qualifying for a refund of the course fee.

Continuing Education Fund: Refund of Fees
Award-bearing German courses are registered as courses that allow qualified students to claim a refund from the Continuing Education Fund (CEF). Eligible applicants can claim a refund of 80% of their courses fees, up to a maximum of $10,000.
To be eligible for CEF reimbursement, students must:

register with The Office of the Continuing Education Fund before the start of the course;
successfully complete the course;
take a recognised German examination on completion of the course
Introductory Certificate in German

This course will suit you if you are a complete beginner. It will take you to a level of competence in German where you can communicate confidently and clearly in a variety of situations. You will be taught basic grammar, but emphasis at all times will be on effective communication.
You should only apply for this course if you are a total beginner If you have studied German before, please contact SPACE before 21 January 2008 to ask which course suitable for you.

:::: Continuing Education Fund (CEF) ::::
This programme has been included in the list of CEF reimbursable programmes. Application for CEF has to be made before commencement of the programme. Details can be found at http://www.info.gov.hk/sfaa/cef



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