
2008-04-21 7:23 am
The circle C1 with cemtre A and the circle C2 with centres B(4,11) tuch each other at P.
Given that the equation of C1 is x²+y²+4x-6y-3=0
ai) Find the coordinates of the centre A.
aii)Find the radius of C1.
bi)Find the distance of AB.
bii)Hence,find the radius of C2.
c)Find the equation of C2 in general form.
d)Find the equation of the equation of the common tangent passing though P.

回答 (3)

2008-04-21 8:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
ai) Find the coordinates of the centre A.
Centre A is (-2,3)

aii)Find the radius of C1.
radius is 4

bi)Find the distance of AB.
AB = square root of ((4-(-2))²+(11-3)²) = 10

bii)Hence,find the radius of C2.
since two circles touch each other,
AB = radius of C1 + radius of C2
radius of C2 = 10-4 = 6

c)Find the equation of C2 in general form
(x-4)²+(y-11)² = 6² = 36
x²+y²-8x-22y+101 = 0

d)Find the equation of the equation of the common tangent passing though P.
Let P be (a,b )
AP/BP = 4/6 = 2/3
a=(-2x3 + 4x2)/(2+3) = 2/5
b=(3x3 + 11x2)/(2+3) = 31/5
P is (2/5, 31/5)

slope of AB = (11-3)/(4-(-2)) = 8/6 = 4/3
slope of AB x slope of tangent = -1
slope of tangent = -1/(4/3) = -3/4

by point slope form, eqn. of tangent is
(y - 31/5)/(x - 2/5) = -3/4
(5y - 31)/(5x - 2) = -3/4
4(5y - 31) = -3(5x - 2)
20y - 124 = 6 - 15x
15x + 20y = 130
ai) A = (-4/2,-(-6)/2) = (-2, 3)
aii) Radius = sqrt(4^2/4+(-6)^2/4-(-3)) = 4
bi) Distance of AB = sqrt((4+2)^2+(11-3)^2) = 10
bii) Radius of C2 = 10 - 4 = 6
c) Equation of C2:
(y-11)^2 + (x-4)^2 = 36
x^2 + y^2 - 8x - 22y + 101 = 0
d) Coordinates of P: ((2*4-3*2)/5,(2*11+3*3)/5) = (2/5,31/5)
Differentiate C2 with respect to x,
2x + 2y(dy/dx) -8 -22(dy/dx) = 0
dy/dx = (8-2x)/(2y-22) = (4-x)/(y-11)
Sub P, dy/dx = -3/4
Therefore the line is (y-31/5) = -3/4(x - 2/5)
5y-31 = -3/4(5x-2)
20y-124 = -15x+6
參考: myself
2008-04-21 7:53 am
=> (x+2)+(y-3)-3-4-9=0
=> (x+2)+(y-3)=16
=> (x+2)+(y-3)=42
The centre A is (-2, 3)
a(ii) radius, r = 4
(b)(i) distance AB = [(-2-4)2 + (3-11)2]0.5
= (36 + 64)0.5
= 10 units
(b)(ii) radius of C2 = AB - radius of C1 = 10 - 4 = 6 units
(c) (x - 4)2 + (y - 11)2 = 62
x2 - 8x + 16 + y2 - 22y + 121 = 36
x2 + y2 - 8x - 22y + 101 = 0
slope of AB = (11 - 3)/(4 + 2) = 4/3
slope of the tangent = -1 / (slope of AB) = -3/4
The coordinates of P : [(4x4+(-2)x6)/10, (11x4+3x6)/10]
= (0.4, 6,2)
The equation of the tangent:
(y - 6.2) / (x-0.4) = -3/4
4y - 24.8 = -3x + 1.2
4y + 3x - 26 = 0

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