
2008-04-21 6:55 am




回答 (3)

2008-04-21 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
I suggest u 2 go with some organizations
coz it will be safer as u dun no wt the people there will do, it is wt u cannot predict.

I think 甘肅貧民村的居民may dun no wt to do if u just go there by urself as u may not have the experience to go there. ( i just guess coz if u are experienced, u wont ask here)

If u go there by urself, it is not easy to know 那裡有甚麼習俗要遵守 but if u go with some組織, they may know more. and if u broke some 甘肅貧民村居民的習俗, the peolple in the orgainsation can help to solve.

if u ask this questions, 要居留數天有甚麼方法?有甚麼交通可以到達? I think u probably go with some orgainsation la

2008-04-20 23:23:50 補充:
coz if i ans u here by some information search from the internet, i dun think it is safe enough for u to trust.

may be u go with some experienced organisations first, to absorb some details then u go there again in the future la
參考: me, I hope I can help u
2008-04-24 8:32 pm
問﹕ 如我要去單獨探訪甘肅貧民村的居民,有甚麼要注意?
答﹕ 語言問題(人家不一定會普通話)﹐衛生問題都要注意﹐人身安全倒不是大問題。

問 ﹕佢地會願意讓沒有組織的陌生人探訪嗎?
問 ﹕要居留數天有甚麼方法?
答 ﹕一般來說﹐他們都不會拒絕。如果身上帶上少許煙酒﹐那食宿也不是問題。記緊是本地人的煙酒﹐煙不要帶甚麼DUNHILL﹐酒就是本地人要帶酒瓶到糧油點去打的那種高粱。

問 ﹕那裡有甚麼習俗要遵守嗎?
問 ﹕有甚麼交通可以到達?
答 ﹕不知道你具體要去哪個地方﹐見哪個民族﹐所以難以作答。
2008-04-21 8:41 am

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