英文生字用法 !!!?

2008-04-21 6:40 am
我想問句子中點用 what / which / who 果 d ~
唔係要問句 , 我係想要 what / which / who 係句子中間用到果種 !!
可唔可以長細 d 解釋 , thx !!!!!

同埋仲想問 could / would 果 d 點用 ?
有時可以用離做問句 , 我知佢地係 can 果 d 的 past tense , 但係唔係好識點用 !!! 可唔可以長細 d 解釋 , thx !!!!!

回答 (2)

2008-04-21 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. what

I’d like to know what she just told you. 我想知道她剛剛告訴你什麼事。

2. which

1) 可以用來領導後半部份的句子﹐例如﹕
I’d like to know which color I should pick.
2) 放一個逗號在which 之前。Which 在此代替了前半句所描述的整件事。例如﹕
I got an A in all of the final exams this semester, which makes my mom really happy.
它相當於﹕The fact that I got an A in all of the final exams this semester makes my mom really happy.

3. who

1) 可以用來領導後半部份的句子﹐例如﹕
I’d like to know who the author of this book is.
注意 is 放在最後﹐因為who 的句子的主語是the author of the book. 如果寫成 I’d like to know who is the author of this book就不對了。
2) 可以用來形容前半句所提到的人。例如﹕
The author of “The Notebook” is Nicholas Spark who is a very talented writer.
“The Notebook” 的作者是非常有才華的作家Nicholas Spark。
在這裡﹐who所領導的部份起到了進一步形容他是一個怎樣的人的作用。可以加一個逗號在 who的前面﹐但也可以省略了這個逗號。

4. could

could 有幾種用法﹐難以盡錄。幾個比較常用的是﹕
1) 請別人幫忙做野時﹐比 “Can you please …?” 更加有禮貌的問法 – Could you please …?
2) 表示本來可以但是沒有做到 – I could have passed this exam if I had studied harder.

5. would

would 都有幾種用法。幾個比較常用的是﹕
1) 請別人幫忙做野時﹐比 “Could you please …?” 更加有禮貌的問法 – Would you please …?
2) 用于假設/建議﹐表示如果是你的話﹐你會這樣那樣去做。通常用省略的方式。好處是﹕ 你指出事情應該怎樣去做﹐但是你沒有直接叫人這樣做﹐所以別人會比較容易接受你的建議﹐不會覺得被你冒犯了﹕ (If it was me,) I’d host a meeting with the client to clarify the requirements.
3) 表示想要﹐通常與like一起用﹕I’d like to go hiking. = I would like to go hiking. = I want to go hiking.
4) 用于過去時﹐描述過去的事﹐表示會怎樣(我覺得有點包含慣性這樣做的意味)﹕If I received a new contract, I would double check its content before I signed it.
參考: me
2008-04-21 4:34 pm
I wonder what I will do tomorrow...

I wonder which apple is mine.

I wonder who was at the door.

Could you take out the trash tomorrow?

They could bake so well, they were overworked by the end of the day.

Would you mind taking your younger sister to the park?

They would start the job tomorrow morning.

Can you please stop talking in class?

Everyone can learn if they put their mind to it.
參考: me

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